FAPA Urges Pope To Work Towards Dual Recognition Of China And Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – October 19, 2015
Contact: (202) 547-3686

FAPA Urges Pope To Work Towards Dual Recognition Of China And Taiwan

In a letter to Pope Francis dated October 9, the president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Dr. Mark Kao, calls upon the Pope, while he is exploring diplomatic relations with China, not to abandon diplomatic relations with Taiwan but instead move towards “Dual Recognition” of Beijing and Taipei.

The letter reads:  “For the past decades, China’s Communist Government has forced nations around the world to choose between maintaining diplomatic relations with either Taipei or Beijing. […] I ask that you pledge, while you consider establishing diplomatic ties with China, that your initiative will be based on the principle of not hurting diplomatic relations with Taiwan.”

The letter continues: “I would like to propose that you consider moving towards “Dual Recognition” of both governments in Beijing and Taipei. Such dual diplomatic recognition would entail not abandoning the 23 million people of Taiwan, and in addition would also be a way to foster and encourage peaceful coexistence between Taiwan and China. And it would set a precedent for other countries to emulate.”

FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D., says: “Dual Recognition” of China and Taiwan is an idea that is long overdue. Pope Francis played a critical initiating role in putting the establishment of U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations on the rails. It makes very much sense that he takes the lead in recognizing that Taiwan and China are two countries on either side of the Taiwan Strait which the international community wants to see develop into friendly neighbors.”






Letter to Pope Francis

His Holiness, Pope Francis             October 9, 2015
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City

Your Holiness,

As the President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, (FAPA) a U.S. based grassroots organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan, I write to you today to congratulate you with a very successful U.S. visit. Your five-day trip lifted not only the spirits of American Catholics but of the general American public as well.

However, we are concerned about the following.  After your return to Vatican City, it was reported in the international press that you had “confirmed [that] talks with China are moving forward as the Vatican aims for formal ties with the Communist Party despite signs of Beijing tightening its grip on religious groups.”

For the past decades, China’s Communist Government has forced nations around the world to choose between maintaining diplomatic relations with either Taipei or Beijing. And even though I fully understand the importance of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the government in Beijing, I ask that you pledge, while you consider establishing diplomatic ties with China, that your initiative will be based on the principle of not hurting diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Specifically, I would like to propose that you consider moving towards “Dual Recognition” of both governments in Beijing and Taipei. Such dual diplomatic recognition would entail not abandoning the 23 million people of Taiwan, and in addition would also be a way to foster and encourage peaceful coexistence between Taiwan and China. And it would set a precedent for other countries to emulate.”

It is important for the church to preach the gospel in China. But to paraphrase Luke 15:4: “A good shepherd never loses even one sheep…”

We hereby respectfully urge you to use your vision and leadership and encourage you to move towards recognition of both the government in Taiwan as well as the government in China.  That would really enhance peace and stability in the region.

Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.

With every good wish to Your Holiness, I am,
Sincerely Yours,

Mark Kao, President,
Formosan Association for Public Affairs








恭請 鈞安

台灣人公共事務會 總會長

Photo Credit: Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk (Flickr)