For Immediate Release
Washington, D.C. – February 20, 2025
Contact: 202-600-6819
Farewell to Former FAPA President C.T. Lee, MD
C.T. Lee (李青泰), MD, passed away peacefully in his sleep on January 9, 2025, at the age of 82. A distinguished Taiwanese American, he was also a passionate and influential advocate for stronger U.S.-Taiwan relations. From 2006 to 2007, he served as the National President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), working to reinforce U.S. support for Taiwan and actively promoting the normalization of U.S.-Taiwan relations.
As a dedicated FAPA member, C.T. tirelessly engaged with Cincinnati-area members of Congress for decades, building relationships and advocating for our causes of “Taiwan Independence” and “Keeping Taiwan Free.” His efforts helped garner the support of key legislators, including then Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), Congressman Steve Stivers (R-OH), and, most notably, Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH).
During his tenure as FAPA president, C.T. championed the Taiwanese people’s right to self-determination and worked to strengthen U.S. support for Taiwan. In a 2007 interview, he outlined FAPA’s key objectives at the time: normalizing U.S.-Taiwan relations by lifting all restrictions on high-level visits, advocating for Taiwan’s membership in international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the Word Health Organization (WHO), and countering China’s unfounded claims of sovereignty over Taiwan.
One of C.T.’s most significant contributions to FAPA came in early 1994 when he reached out to Steve Chabot, then a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Ohio’s first district. This pivotal move secured a steadfast ally for Taiwan in Congress. Chabot went on to become one of Taiwan’s strongest supporters in the House, shaping U.S.-Taiwan relations through numerous legislative initiatives over the next three decades.
Chabot consistently sponsored and co-sponsored nearly every pro-Taiwan legislative effort. Notably, he introduced the Taiwan Travel Act alongside then-Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), now the U.S. Secretary of State, to facilitate high-level visits between U.S. and Taiwanese officials and strengthen bilateral ties. Signed into law in March 2018, this landmark legislation was a historic achievement for FAPA, opening the floodgates for numerous Congressional initiatives and actions in support of Taiwan.
The Chabot/Rubio team also introduced a concurrent resolution reaffirming the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and the 1982 Six Assurances as cornerstones of U.S.-Taiwan relations. Passed by both the House and Senate in 2016, this resolution reinforced the United States’ long-standing commitment to Taiwan. During his Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing on January 15, 2025, then-Senator and Secretary of State-designate Marco Rubio emphasized that U.S. policy toward Taiwan is based not only on the Taiwan Relations Act but also on the Six Assurances, a position consistently upheld by consecutive presidential administrations from both parties.
As we honor C.T.’s legacy at FAPA, we reflect on one deep regret: he did not live to see the fulfillment of our shared dream — Taiwan gaining universal international recognition and becoming a fully independent and normal country. Yet, he would be heartened to know that we will carry his torch forward and continue the fight.
C.T.’s unwavering dedication and tireless advocacy have left a lasting impact on the movement for Taiwan’s independence and international recognition. May his legacy continue to inspire, and may the memories of C.T. bring comfort and strength to his wife, Cindy, his extended family, and all of us who share his vision.
悼念 FAPA 前會長李青泰醫師
李青泰(C.T. Lee)醫師於 2025 年 1 月 9 日安詳辭世,享壽 82 歲。他不僅是一位傑出的台灣裔美國人,也是一名熱情且極具影響力的美台關係倡議者。2006 至 2007 年間,他擔任台灣人公共事務會(FAPA)總會長,致力於確保美國對台支持,並積極推動美台關係正常化。
作為一名盡心竭力的 FAPA 會員,青泰兄數十年來不懈地與辛辛那提地區的美國國會議員接觸,建立深厚關係,並積極宣揚我們所倡導的「台灣獨立」與「維護台灣自由」(Keeping Taiwan Free)的理念。他的努力為 FAPA 贏得了多位關鍵聯邦參眾議員的支持,包括當時的參議員波特曼(Rob Portman, R-OH)、眾議員史戴福斯(Steve Stivers, R-OH),以及最著名的台灣之友 —— 眾議員夏波(Steve Chabot, R-OH)。
在擔任 FAPA 會長期間,李青泰醫師積極倡導台灣人民的自決權,並致力於加強美國對台灣的支持。在 2007 年的一次採訪中,他闡述了 FAPA 當時的核心目標,包括:解除美台高層官員互訪的所有限制,以促進雙邊關係正常化;推動台灣加入聯合國(UN)和世界衛生組織(WHO)等國際組織;以及反駁中國對台灣的不實領土主權主張。
青泰兄對 FAPA 最重要的貢獻之一發生在 1994 年初,當時他主動聯繫正初次競選美國聯邦眾議院俄亥俄州第一選區席位的夏波。這一關鍵舉動為台灣在美國國會贏得了一位堅定的盟友。夏波在當選後,成為美國眾議院中最強力支持台灣的議員之一,並在接下來的30年間透過多項立法倡議,積極推動美台關係的發展。
夏波眾議員長期積極提案或連署幾乎所有支持台灣的立法倡議。其中值得一提的是,他與時任聯邦參議員盧比歐(Marco Rubio, R-FL)(現任美國國務卿)合作,分別於眾議院及參議院提案並推動《台灣旅行法》,以促進美台高層官員互訪並強化雙邊關係。這項具有里程碑意義的立法於 2018 年 3 月正式生效成為法律,這不僅是 FAPA 的重大歷史性成就,也為美國國會隨後推動更多友台立法與行動開啟了大門。
此外,夏波與盧比歐還合作提出了一項共同決議案,重申 1979 年的《台灣關係法》與 1982 年的「六項保證」為美台關係的基石。該決議案於 2016 年獲得美國參、眾兩院通過,進一步強化了美國對台灣的長期承諾。在 2025 年 1 月 15 日的參議院外交關係委員會的人事任命聽證會上,時任參議員及國務卿被提名人魯比歐強調,美國對台政策不僅基於《台灣關係法》,也同時建立在「六項保證」之上,這一立場始終獲得兩黨歷屆政府的堅持與遵守。
在我們緬懷李青泰醫師對 FAPA 的貢獻時,心中難免有一絲遺憾:他未能親眼見證我們共同夢想的實現 —— 台灣獲得普遍的國際承認,成為一個完全獨立且正常的國家。然而,我們將承接他的遺志,持續奮鬥不懈,相信這必能讓他感到些許慰藉。
青泰兄無私的奉獻與不懈的倡議,對台灣獨立與爭取國際承認的運動留下了深遠的影響。願他的精神繼續激勵並啟發後人,也願他摯愛的夫人 Cindy、家人,以及所有志同道合之人,能在緬懷他的同時獲得安慰與力量。