House Passes Foreign Relations Authorization Act With Important Taiwan Amendments

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – July 21, 2005
Contact: (202) 547-3686

House Passes Foreign Relations Authorization Act With Important Taiwan Amendments

Last night, the House passed the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 2006 and 2007, with several Taiwan related amendments in it. (351-78 –

The first amendment supports high-level visits by Taiwan’s elected leaders. The non-binding amendment (Section 1112) states, “(1) It is in the national interests of the United States to communicate directly with democratically elected and appointed officials of Taiwan, including the President of Taiwan, the Vice-President of Taiwan, the Foreign Minister of Taiwan, and the Defense Minister of Taiwan.” (See: below)

The second non-binding amendment consists of two parts (See: below)

Section 1127(1) reads: “(1) disavows Chinese General Zhu’s recent comments. It reads: “(1) the comments by Chinese General Zhu Chenghu advocating the use of nuclear weapons against the United States are both damaging to United States-China relations and a violation of China’s commitment to resolve its differences with Taiwan peacefully.”

Section 1127(2) reads: “(2) the Government of China should renounce the use of force against Taiwan, disavow General Zhu’s statements, and relieve General Zhu from his command.”

The third and binding amendment (Section 215) authorizes funding for a new AIT building in Taipei. (See: below)

The first amendment was passed by the House International Relations Committee on June 9, 2005. The second amendment was just introduced yesterday on the floor of the House. The third amendment was earlier introduced on June 9, 2005.

FAPA President Ming-chi Wu Ph.D. says: “The first two amendments are intricately related. With rising tension in the Taiwan Strait -and across the Pacific, for that matter- due to General Zhu’s statements last week, direct US-Taiwan dialogue is all the more crucial. There is more and more an urgent need to formalize channels of dialogue between the democratically elected government of Taiwan and the United States. The US must not allow General Zhu’s irresponsible statements to destabilize this important yet fragile relationship.”

Wu concludes: “The next step is passage of a Senate version of this important bill and then both the House and Senate will go into conference to come up with final legislation. It would be a slap in the face of not only the people of Taiwan but all concerned citizens of the United States if these amendments do not survive the process.”




此外,日前中國國防大學防務學院院長、解放軍少將朱成虎語出驚人地宣稱,若美軍干預台海衝突,中國將不惜動用核武反擊美國。眾議院國關委員會全球人權小組主席史密斯特於今日在第1127號修正案特就此強烈譴責中共的流氓行為,並要求中共公開宣布放棄對台動武,並將發言不當的將領撤職查辦。第1127號修正案表示:「(1) 中共將領朱成虎揚言將使用核武對付美國,不但使中美關係惡化,更違反了中國和平解決台灣問題的承諾。(2) 中國政府應放棄以武力侵台,否認朱成虎少將的聲明,並將其撤職查辦。」




Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY2006 & 2007(H.R.2601)

Photo Credit: NCinDC (Flickr)