On Occasion Of President Chen’s Transit, 15 U.S. Reps Call For Lifting Of All Restrictions On High-Level Visits

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – January 12, 2007
Contact: (202) 547-3686

On Occasion Of President Chen’s Transit, 15 U.S. Reps Call For Lifting Of All Restrictions On High-Level Visits

Less than a week into the new 110th Congress, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) along with 14 other Members of Congress co-signed a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), urging her to join the campaign to remove all restrictions on high-level visits between Taiwan and the United States. Rep. Rohrabacher sent the letter out on January 12.

The members grabbed the opportunity of President Chen’s transit through San Francisco (hometown of Speaker Pelosi) and Los Angeles (hometown of Rep. Rohrabacher) to highlight this unreasonable aspect of U.S. foreign policy.

The Representatives write: “Our self-imposed restrictions are out of concern that Beijing will take retaliation measures if we would allow such a visit. In other words, we are letting the Chinese determine this aspect of our foreign policy.”

They continue: “As recently as last April, we did roll out the red carpet for the unelected Communist leader of Beijing to the White House. We believe that if the U.S. is to be truly evenhanded in its treatment of both sides of the Taiwan Strait, then the opportunity to dialogue with democratic leaders from Taiwan should be just as important as discussions with Chinese leaders.”

Members noted that inviting the President of Taiwan to visit Washington gives Taiwan the respect and recognition it deserves as a shining beacon of democracy in Asia. Furthermore, hearing directly from Taiwanese highest-level government officials would ensure the American administration, Congress and public a balanced viewpoint on the region where American troops are on the frontline defending the U.S. national strategic interests.

FAPA President CT Lee says: “The high-level visits issue is an issue that many Members of Congress dearly care about and which receives overwhelming and bi-partisan support on Capitol Hill. It is also FAPA’s foremost issue on Capitol Hill for this new 110th Congress. It is encouraging that during this busiest time of the new Congress, Taiwan interests are already on the radar screen of Congress!”


在美國國會開議不到一周內,美眾議院已發起了支持台灣的行動。由美眾議院台灣連線主席羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher, R-CA)領銜,聯合了14位其他台灣連線成員,於今晚(12日)共同致函眾議院議長斐洛西(Nancy Pelosi, D-CA),籲請她一起支持全面解除台美高層互訪限制這個議題。

議員們主要是藉由陳總統此次過境舊金山與洛杉磯為由(加上斐洛西議長湊巧來自舊金山,羅克巴克來自洛杉磯) ,喚起各界對於這個不合理的外交政策的重視。參與聯署信函的議員包括,羅拉巴克、台灣連線另一位共同主席夏波Steve Chabot(R-OH)、Dan Burton(R-IN)、Shelley Berkley(D-NV)、Allen Boyd(D-FL)、John Culberson(R-TX)、Lincoln Diaz-Balart(R-FL)、Scott Garrett(R-NJ)、Elton Gallegly(R-CA)、Ralph Hall(R-TX)、Thaddeus McCotter(R-MI)、Mark Souder(R-IN)、以及一向友好的唐克多Tom Tancredo (R-CO)、Edolphus Towns(D-NY)、與台灣出生的吳掁偉David Wu (D-OR)。




Photo Credit: david3108 (Flickr)