Reps. Hyde And Lantos Urge WHO Chief To Advance Taiwan’s Participation In Battle Against Avian Flu

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – February 1, 2006
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Reps. Hyde And Lantos Urge WHO Chief To Advance Taiwan’s Participation In Battle Against Avian Flu

In a letter dated January 30 to Dr. Lee Jong-wook, Director General of the WHO, Chairman of the House International Relations Committee Henry Hyde and Ranking Member of the Committee Tom Lantos urge the Director to include Taiwan in the battle against Avian flu and to bring Taiwan into the WHO.

The two sernior congressional members conclude: “We in the Congress have passed numerous resolutions supporting Taiwan’s WHO participation, and the U.S. Government is on the record in support of Taiwan’s WHO observer status. We sincerely hope that you will show the leadership necessary to advance this matter, and we will certainly pay close attention to WHO action in this regard.”

This is the second time in recent months that Chairman Hyde writes to promote Taiwan in the international health network. Last December, he co-signed a letter with 52 House colleagues to Secretary Rice calling for Taiwan’s inclusion in the avian flu network.

FAPA President C.T. Lee, MD states: “The same drill to bring Taiwan into the WHO takes place every year at the WHO summit in Geneva and during its preliminary planning meetings. Unfortunately, Taiwan faces the same defeat year after year.”

“Although China continues to relentlessly crush Taiwan’s bids for greater international participation, Taiwan cannot afford to give up. Just like the arduous struggle by the people of Taiwan towards democracy and freedom, history has proven again and again that those with patience, determination and persistence will prevail.”


眾議院國際關係委員會主席海德(Henry Hyde, R-IL)與資深民主黨議員藍托斯(Tom Lantos, D-CA) 於1月30日致函世界衛生組織執行長李鐘郁(Lee Jong-wook),希望他能夠協助將台灣融入世衛體系以及禽流感防禦系統。




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