Resolution Calling For Diplomatic Recognition Of Taiwan And End To One China Policy Introduced In U.S. House Of Representatives

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – January 9, 2009
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Resolution Calling For Diplomatic Recognition Of Taiwan And End To One China Policy Introduced In U.S. House Of Representatives

Today, during the first week of the new 111th Congress, long-time Taiwan supporter Rep. John Linder (R-GA) introduced a resolution urging the Administration to establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Similar resolutions were introduced in 2005 and 2007 by then Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), who has since retired from Congress. Additionally, the resolution calls for end to the U.S. One China Policy and Taiwan’s full membership in international organizations.

Since 1979, the United States and Taiwan have not had formal diplomatic ties. Instead, U.S.-Taiwan trade and economic relations have been handled through “private” channels, by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT).

The resolution calls on the President of the United States to (A) abandon the fundamentally flawed `One China Policy’ in favor of a more realistic “One China, One Taiwan Policy” that recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign and independent country, separate from the Communist regime in Beijing; (B) begin the process of resuming normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan; and (C) aggressively support Taiwan’s full participation in the United Nations and any other international organization of which the Unite d States is a member, and for which statehood is a requirement for membership.”

FAPA President Bob Yang, PhD says: “Last Thursday (January 1) marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the U.S.-China diplomatic ties. The introduction of Rep. Linder’s resolution during the first week of 2009 when the new Congress gets back to work is extraordinarily poignant as a reaffirmation of United States Congress’ support for Taiwan.”

Yang continues, “Despite the severance of diplomatic ties by the U.S. thirty years ago, Taiwan has flourished into a fledgling democracy with impressive economic achievements. Now that the world knows Taiwan simply as ‘Taiwan’ and recognizes Taiwan as a beacon of freedom, Congress clearly feels the increasing need to ditch the outdated ‘One China’ concept.”

Yang concludes: “U.S. diplomatic recognition of Taiwan is an idea whose time has come. Such separate recognition by the U.S of China and Taiwan can be a model for those nations which seek to align both countries in a mutual co-existing relationship.”



林德議員的這項決議案建議美國政府:(A)揚棄一中政策,改採符合現狀的「一中一台」政策以承認台灣為一主權獨立國家;(B) 開始有關與台灣復交等事宜的相關程序;(C)積極支持台灣完整參與聯合國以及美國為會員國等國際組織,即便國家身份為入會資格。





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