Senate Taiwan Caucus Chair Issues Statement Supporting Taiwan Referendum

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – February 5, 2004
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Senate Taiwan Caucus Chair Issues Statement Supporting Taiwan Referendum

In a statement supporting a Taiwan referendum today, Senator George Allen, co-chair and founder of the Senate Taiwan Caucus, concludes: “Taiwan’s referendum law is a basic democratic right that the United States should support rather than denigrate.”

The statement was entered into the Congressional Record.

The Senator continues: “Taiwan, our ally and friend, is a democracy. Its people have every right to hold their referendum this March 20th.” And “There can be no double standard when it comes to exercising democracy.”

Earlier, Rep. Joseph Hoeffel (D-PA) who is running for the Senate, issued a similar statement in support of a Taiwan referendum. Hoeffel stated on January 21: “We must support this exercise of the right of free expression, which is consistent with our own values.”

Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ) echoed that sentiment on February 3: “I feel the 23 million people of Taiwan have a right to hold such a referendum.”

Rep. Chris Bell (D-TX) stated on February 4: “This peace referendum is the first step in that process and the right of the Taiwanese people.”

FAPA President Ming-chi Wu, Ph.D. states: “These Congressional statements are only the tip of the iceberg of the current support in Congress for a Taiwan referendum on March 20. We will encourage other Members of Congress to speak out in support of a Taiwan referendum.”


美參議院台灣連線發起人暨共同主席艾倫(George Allen, R-VA)於今日發表國會聲明(Congressional Record),公開表示他對台灣即將舉行的公民投票深表支持。

參議員艾倫早在去年十月中旬,即曾與另一共和黨參議員凱爾(Jon Kyl, R-AZ)聯署致函布希總統,呼籲布希總統認同台灣公投。他們在信中表達台灣前途必須和平解決,並終須得到台灣人民的公開同意。當時這封信並引述陳總統520就職演說中的承諾之一:不就台灣獨立一事舉行公投。參議員們表示陳總統的言論證明了他無意片面改變台海現狀,而台灣人民也有舉行公投的權利。

艾倫議員今天的國會聲明則延續他上封信的立場。此項聲明明白指出:「有人說這(台灣公投)將把台灣帶入戰爭的深淵。這樣的講法是嚴重地扭曲了台灣舉行公投的原本意義。」艾倫議員的聲明接著表示陳水扁總統即將舉行的「和平公投」僅僅是為了回應中國對台灣日益嚴重的軍事威脅。聲明最後表示:「台灣,我們的盟友與朋友,是一民主國家。他們的人民有任何的權利在三月二十日舉行公民投票。…. 實踐民主不能有雙重標準。」


有意角逐賓州參議員席次的霍佛(Joseph Hoeffel, D-PA)眾議員在一月二十一日的國會聲明表示:「我們必須支持這種自由表達的權利,它與我們的價值相符合。」

紐澤西州議員蓋瑞特(Scott Garrett, R-NJ)則在二月三日發表國會聲明表示:「我認為台灣二千三百萬人民有權利舉行公民投票。」

德州的貝爾議員(Chris Bell, D-TX)也在昨日(四日)發表聲明表示:「根據聯合國憲意第三條….台灣人民有表達立場與保護自己免於受傷害的權利。這個和平公投是朝向那程序的第一步與一個屬於台灣人民的權利。」


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