Taiwan Caucus Co-Chairs Call For Lifting Of All Restrictions On Taiwan High-Level Visits In Light Of Upcoming Hu Jin Tao Visit To Washington, D.C.

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – April 7, 2006
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Taiwan Caucus Co-Chairs Call For Lifting Of All Restrictions On Taiwan High-Level Visits In Light Of Upcoming Hu Jin Tao Visit To Washington, D.C.

On April 6, co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced H.Con.Res.381. The resolution concludes that: “all restrictions on visits by high-level elected and appointed officials of Taiwan to the United States, including the democratically elected president of Taiwan, should be lifted.”

And “the United States should encourage direct high-level exchanges at the Cabinet-level, in order to strengthen a policy dialogue with Taiwan’s government.”

Rep. Chabot has previously expressed concern about the self-imposed State Department guidelines not allowing Taiwan officials from coming to Washington. On April 21, 2004, he stated in a Congressional hearing: “I had lunch in the Capitol a few weeks ago with former Legislative Yuan member Mark Chen (Chen Tan-san). Now that Mr. Chen is foreign minister he can no longer come to our Capital on an official visit. Frankly I think that that policy is kind of silly.”

During the visit of President Lee Teng-hui to Washington, DC in October 2005, over a dozen Members of Congress urged the Bush Administration to not only welcome former President Lee to DC but to also let current President Chen Shui-bian come to the Nation’s Capital and meet with him.

FAPA president C.T. Lee, MD states: “The timing of the introduction of this resolution is very significant. With the upcoming visit of China’s unelected President Hu Jintao to the White House, the CTC co-chairs are sending a crystal clear signal to President Bush that the democratically elected President of Taiwan should be welcomed to DC as well.”

He adds: “The present policy dates back to the 1970s, when Taiwan was still under authoritarian rule. It is rather peculiar for the United States to praise Taiwan for its democracy, but then turn around and impose restrictions on direct meetings between the elected leadership in Taiwan and US officials.” 

Lee concludes: “The Taiwan Strait is generally considered one of the five flashpoints in the world.  It is thus essential for US leaders to communicate directly with Taiwan’s democratically-elected government and not just with the authoritarian regime in Beijing.  We should not let the Chinese determine who can come to DC or not. What it comes down to is that we let the Chinese determine this important part of our foreign policy.”


由於中國領導人胡錦濤即將於二週後訪問美國首府華盛頓,台灣連線的共同主席夏波議員(Steve Chabot, R- OH)和布朗議員(Sherrod Brown, D-OH)特地趕在國會即將展開為期二週的春季休會前夕,於昨日(6日)聯手提出第381號決議案,建議美國完全取消對於台灣高層官員,包括代表台灣人民的民選總統在內,各種訪美的不合理限制。








Photo Credit: April Brady/Project on Middle East Democracy (Flickr)