Taiwan Caucus Co-Chairs Express Dismay About Administration’s Opposition To Taiwan’s Referendum Plans

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – March 10, 2008
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Taiwan Caucus Co-Chairs Express Dismay About Administration’s Opposition To Taiwan’s Referendum Plans

In a letter to President Bush dated March 5, 2008 three co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus urge the President to “remain silent on [Taiwan’s UN referendum] for the remainder of the ongoing presidential election campaign in Taiwan.  The US should not be perceived as taking sides, and should let the democratic process in Taiwan run its course.”

Reps. Shelley Berkley (D-NV), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Steve Chabot (R-OH) state: “We are […] disturbed by the fact that over the last few months of 2007, several senior officials of your Administration made statements in which they expressed opposition to Taiwan’s planned referendum, calling it ‘provocative’ and ‘a mistake’.”

They conclude: “Only by standing firmly with democratic Taiwan will we uphold our principles in promoting freedom worldwide.”

FAPA President Bob Yang, PhD, states: “The 23 million people of Taiwan have a right to hold such a referendum. And clearly, Taiwan’s Referendum is not a ‘provocation’, except to those who view it through China’s lenses. Referendum is a peaceful exercise of the purest form of democracy as seen in many countries around the world. We therefore urge every eligible voter in Taiwan to participate in this important democratic exercise.”





Photo Credit: April Brady/Project on Middle East Democracy (Flickr)