Taiwanese American Organizations Call For Former President Chen’s Immediate Release

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – July 7, 2009
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Taiwanese American Organizations Call For Former President Chen’s Immediate Release

Fifteen Taiwanese American organizations issued a joint statement today, urging Taiwan’s government to cease the detention of former President Chen Shui-bian and calling for the immediate release of Chen.

The statement lists several acts of misconduct by President Chen’s prosecutors, and points out that Chen’s continued detention is politically motivated. It concludes, “This prolonged incarceration, now in excess of two hundred days, is unjustifiable legally and unconscionable on human rights grounds. It is unbecoming of Taiwan as a free and democratic country.”

The signatories of the joint statement are: Dr. Kang-Lu Wang Memorial Foundation, Formosa Foundation, Formosan Association for Human Rights, Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Friends of Taiwan, Inc., North America Taiwanese Women’s Association, North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association, Professor Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation, Taiwanese Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America, Taiwanese Association of America, Taiwanese Hakka Association of America, World Federation of Taiwanese Associations, World Taiwanese Congress, World United Formosans for Independence-Canada, and World United Formosans for Independence-U.S.A.

Bob Yang, the President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), which initiated the joint statement says, “The issue central to the dispute is not whether Chen is guilty. It is whether Chen’s trial adheres to the highest standard of judicial independence and impartiality. Because Taiwan’s reputation as a fledgling democracy is at stake here. This is evident by the appeals from many international observers, including President Ma’s former professor Jerome Cohen, who wrote a series of articles expressing serious concern about the Taiwanese government’s disrespect for judicial independence.”

Yang continues: “The deliberate ‘double standard’ and ‘politically-charged’ application of the law by the prosecutors have exacerbated tension within Taiwan’s society.  Taiwan’s judicial reputation depends on how the prosecutors handle Chen’s trial. So far they got an F.”







Photo Credit: 王錦河 River Wang (Flickr)