Texas Congressman Urges Obama Administration To Sell F-16s To Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – February 18, 2012
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Texas Congressman Urges Obama Administration To Sell F-16s To Taiwan

In an extension of remarks, inserted into the Congressional Record on February 17, 2012, Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX) concluded: “It is important that this [F-16’s for Taiwan] deal not be further delayed.”

Rep. Marchant whose Dallas/Fort Worth area district neighbors the district where the Lockheed Martin plant that manufactures the F-16’s is situated, stated: “We cannot continue to delay on this issue. As the production line of F-16’s will only remain open for a limited additional amount of time.”

He concluded his remarks with “I believe that the best way forward to improving [our relations with Taiwan] and helping our North Texas economy, is to approve the sale of the F-16 C/D’s to Taiwan.”

Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) and others have issued similar statements over the past two years in support of the sale. Additionally, in November 2009, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) introduced House Resolution 927 encouraging the sale of American made F-16 C/D war fighters to Taiwan.

FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. says: “Yes, the sale of F16’s was tabled last year, but Congress and the general public need to be reminded that the cross-Strait military imbalance has grown significantly worse due to the continued Chinese military buildup.  There is an urgent need to counteract this worrying trend.”

Dr. Kao concludes: “Moving forward with the F16s sale to Taiwan will help boost Taiwan’s dwindling air force. In addition, the sale will help save a significant number of American jobs. It is a win-win situation.”


2012年2月17日,德州共和黨眾議員馬強特(Kenny Marchant (R-TX))在國會紀錄中發表的延伸發言指出:「軍售台灣F-16戰機一事,實不應再延遲。」



眾議員馬強特及其他眾議員在過去的兩年,紛紛發表了支持軍售的聲明。除此之外,2009年11月,共和黨眾議員巴頓(Joe Barton (R-TX))曾提出法案(HR927),鼓勵出售台灣美製的F-16戰機。

台灣人公共事務會會長高龍榮指出:「的確, F-16的軍售案去年被擱置,但國會及社會大眾必須被提醒,兩岸之間令人憂心的軍力失衡傾向,並沒有減緩的跡象,反而漸增。」


SUPPORTING TAIWAN’S REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF F 16 C/Ds — (Extensions of Remarks – February 17, 2012)



  • Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, as a long-time member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus and as a Member of Congress who has frequent interaction with the Taiwanese American constituents in my district, I rise today to bring an issue to your attention, which can no longer be delayed.
  • I would like to comment on how our relationship with Taiwan intermingles with the local economy of North Texas.
  • Taiwan seeks to procure more than five dozen F 16 C/Ds from the United States that are proudly built in North Texas. These negotiations have been underway since 2006. It is important that this deal not be further delayed. The Administration has resisted the sale and has rather suggested selling Taiwan upgrades for its older F 16 A/Bs. I find this to be a very inadequate position that jeopardizes Taiwan’s future defensive capabilities and will result in a hit to the North Texas economy.
  • Taiwan seeks the F 16 C/Ds solely for defensive purposes. This is very apparent given the increasing number of short and medium-range ballistic missiles aimed at the island by its neighbor, the People’s Republic of China. At current there are more than 1,400 missiles aimed at Taiwan from the other side of the TaiwanStrait. I am afraid that China continues to add to the number of missiles pointed at Taiwan and that this number is only expected to increase over time.
  • The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which has been the cornerstone of United States-Taiwan relations for decades, declares that it is the policy of the United States “to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.” We need to abide by our TRA commitments and support the defensive capabilities of Taiwan .
  • I would like to call attention to legislation introduced by my colleague, Congresswoman KAY GRANGER, which seeks to remedy this situation. I ask my fellow colleagues to join me in cosponsoring H.R. 2992, the Taiwan Airpower Modernization Act of 2011. Senator JOHN CORNYN has introduced a companion bill in the Senate. This bipartisan legislation will direct the President to authorize the sale of no fewer than 66 F 16 C/Ds to Taiwan . We cannot continue to delay on this issue, as the production line for F 16s will only remain open for a limited additional amount of time. Once the F 16 production line closes, then we will have missed this opportunity to increase the defensive capabilities of Taiwan and provide a significant economic boost to the North Texas economy.
  • I will continue to work towards increasing our already strong relations with the people of Taiwan . I believe that the best way forward for improving these relations and helping our North Texas economy is to approve the sale of the F 16 C/Ds to Taiwan .
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