The Dialogue of Democracies: Today and Next January

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – July 23, 2002
Contact: (202) 547-3686

The Dialogue of Democracies: Today and Next January

The Congressional Taiwan Caucus (CTC) and a thirty-five Member strong Taiwan Legislative Yuan (LY) delegation meeting of July 23rd mark a distinctive “dialogue of democracies” meant to further understanding between the oldest democracy and one of the newest members of the democracy club.

The LY delegation, the largest ever to visit the United States, came to Washington to thank the CTC members for their strong support, to discuss matters of mutual interest, and to publicly announce a January 2003 International Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Asian Pacific Security, to be held in Taipei.

The CTC expressed its thanks for the Taiwanese delegation’s invitation to the conference and will actively participate in this event.

The CTC, established on April 9th, now has 112 members.  It is one of the largest and fastest growing caucuses in the United States Congress.  Today’s luncheon is the first such big gathering for the caucus members, among those participating are Rep. Ben Gilman (R-NY), the ex-chairman of the House International Relations Committee, and the Congressional Black Caucus chairwoman, Rep. Eddie Burnice Johnson (D-TX).

“At this important juncture in history, today’s meeting has helped strengthen the bonds between the US and Taiwan,” stated Dr. Wu Ming-chi, FAPA President. “Strong bonds between democracies are clearly the backbone of a serious anti-terrorism campaign.  The Taipei conference will extend this mutually supportive network throughout the Pacific region.  The interests of the U.S., Taiwan and all the democracies in the Pacific are well served by today’s meeting and will be served by the January conference.

“The conference next January aims to create dialogue among the countries involved,” Wu continued, “enhance understanding and communications, and thus diminish conflicts in the region.  Moreover, FAPA believes that next January’s conference will give Taiwan an excellent opportunity to fulfill its proactive diplomatic strategy in the face of the PRC’s diplomatic blockade and will ultimately show the world Taiwan’s willingness and sincerity in maintaining the stability and security of the Asia-Pacific region.”


美國國會台灣連線(Congressional Taiwan Caucus)在今日(23日)舉行自4月9日正式成立以來最大規模的活動。為了感謝台灣連線對台灣的支持,台灣立法院特地組團,由蔡同榮委員率領三十多位立法委員們到華府親自拜訪台灣連線,展開這個歷史上首次台美國會對等實體的交流對話。


 在參加國會午宴的數十位眾議員中,包括了即將退休的重量級議員,也是前國際關係委員會主席吉爾曼(Ben Gilman, R-NY),台灣連線主席們認為在國會如此繁忙的行程中,今日能仍有這麼高的出席率,他們都感到相當地高興。


Photo Credit: Wally Gobetz (Flickr)