U.S. Representatives Introduce Legislation Calling For End To One China Policy

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – February 17, 2005
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Representatives Introduce Legislation Calling For End To One China Policy

On February 16, Reps. Tancredo (R-CO) and International Relations Subcommittee Chair Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Mark Souder (R-IN), Edolphus Towns (D-NY), and John Shimkus (R-IL) introduced HCR 69 concluding that “the President of the United States should abandon the fundamentally flawed ‘‘One China Policy’’ in favor of a more realistic ‘‘One China, One Taiwan Policy’’ that recognizes the Republic of China on Taiwan as a sovereign government, separate from the Communist regime in Beijing.”

In a clear reference to former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage’s remarks last year that Taiwan is not a sovereign state, the resolution further states that “President Ronald Reagan issued the ‘‘Six Assurances’’ to Taiwan in July 1982, including the assurance that ‘‘[t]he United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan’’

The resolution also concludes that “Taiwan should be permitted to participate as a full member in international organizations for which statehood is a requirement for membership.”

FAPA president Ming-chi Wu, Ph.D. says: “With the Anti-Secession Law looming, this resolution calling for an end to the One China policy comes at a crucial time. The very existence of the Anti Secession Law illustrates the danger the One China Policy poses. With the U.S. acknowledging Beijing’s claim over Taiwan, as laid down in the One China Policy, the One China policy poses dangerous ramifications for Taiwan’s security. If the US would abolish the One China Policy and thus abolish its acknowledgment of Beijing’s claim over Taiwan, there would be zero US tolerance for Beijing’s threat to use force against Taiwan. And, most importantly, there would have been no Anti Secession Law.”


眾議員唐克多(Thomas Tancredo, R-C))於2月16日,與蘿絲列敦娜(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-FL)、寨得爾(Mark Souder, R-IN),湯斯(Edolphus Towns, D-NY)與史科斯 (John Shimkus, R-IL)等數位議員共同提出第69號決議案,呼籲美國總統廢除本質上有嚴重瑕疵的「一中政策」,並改以「一中一台政策」取而代之,承認台灣為一主權完整,獨立於北京共產政權之外的國家。






Photo Credit: Wally Gobetz (Flickr)