U.S. Representatives Urge Secretary Rice To Communicate Directly With Taiwan President

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 2, 2006
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Representatives Urge Secretary Rice To Communicate Directly With Taiwan President 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Co-chairs of the Taiwan Congressional Caucus, Congressmen Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) today sent a letter to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, urging her to be more supportive of Taiwan’s fragile democracy by communicating directly with Taiwan’s democratically-elected leadership.

Congressmen Rohrabacher and Brown urged the Secretary to invite President Chen to stop over in New York on his way back from Paraguay and Costa Rica, where he will attend the inauguration of president-elect Oscar Arias. The Congressmen stated that such a stopover “… would enable members of Congress to travel to New York to meet with the President, providing them an important opportunity to discuss recent developments in Taiwan and in the Taiwan Strait.”

The Congressmen also urged Secretary Rice to communicate directly with President Chen about Taiwan’s role in promoting democracy around the world.

The Congressmen emphasized that the US needs to do a better job in nurturing and protecting Taiwan’s democracy, stating that Taiwan made its transition to democracy only 15 years ago, and that present fragile democracy was threatened from three sides: 1) China’s military threats, 2) Taiwan’s internal divisions, primarily due to the fact that the loyalties of the old Kuomintang are more with China than with Taiwan itself, and 3) the lack of international support for Taiwan’s democracy.

FAPA President C.T. Lee states: “It is time that the U.S. lifts all restrictions on hi-level visits from Taiwan. That way, there would be no need for complex and lengthy negotiations about where and when President Chen would transit in the U.S. We are encouraged by repeated calls by Members of Congress in favor of lifting such restrictions, as is shown by the introduction in Congress last month of a resolution which concludes that [all restrictions on visits to the United States by high-level elected and appointed officials of Taiwan, including the democratically-elected President of Taiwan, should be lifted].”


台灣連線共同主席布朗(Sherrod Brown, D-OH)與羅拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher, R-CA)於今日聯合致函美國國務卿萊斯女士,呼籲她與台灣的民選總統直接對話,以展現美國對台灣新興民主的支持。布朗議員目前正在角逐俄亥俄州的參議員席次。





Photo Credit: Marc Nozell (Flickr)