For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 20, 2020
Contact: (202) 547-3686
10 Overseas Taiwanese Organizations Publish Ad in Washington Times, Congratulating Taiwan’s Presidential Inauguration and Calling for US-Taiwan Diplomatic Relations
On May 20, Taiwan’s Presidential inauguration day, 10 overseas Taiwanese organizations including the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) jointly published a full-page advertisement in the Washington Times to celebrate Taiwan’s democracy and call for U.S. diplomatic recognition of Taiwan.
The advertisement outlines Taiwan’s achievements as a beacon of democracy. The three examples cited in the Washington Times reflect three distinct values Taiwan closely follows — freedom, transparency, and human rights.
With Taiwan’s hard-won accomplishments, these organizations call for US-Taiwan formal diplomatic relations. They believe that Taiwan’s relationship with the U.S. should not be lumped in with that of North Korea, Iran, and Syria, which also lack diplomatic relations with the United States.
FAPA President Minze Chien states: “We have witnessed the gradual normalization in US-Taiwan relations during the past four years. Especially during the current global pandemic where Taiwan contributes significantly to the U.S. combating COVID-19, Taiwan has shown the United States that it is a country that warrants diplomatic recognition. It is time to change the outdated policy and move towards formal US-Taiwan diplomatic relations.”
*The 10 overseas Taiwanese organizations that contributed to this advertisement are: North American Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA), North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA), North America Taiwanese Women’s Association (NATWA), Taiwanese Association of America (TAA-USA), World Federation of Taiwanese Associations (WFTA), World Taiwanese Congress(WTC), World United Formosans for Independence – USA Chapter (WUFI-USA), DC Friends of Tsai, Formosan Association for Public Relations (FAPR), Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA)
FAPA 總會長簡明子表示:「在過去四年,我們見證台美關係逐漸正常化。尤其是在武漢肺炎期間,台灣對美國防疫上的協助與貢獻,證明了台灣值得美國給予外交承認。現在是美國改變那些不合時宜的對台政策,並與台灣建立正式邦交的時刻。」