Rep. Chris Smith Urges Secretary Pompeo to Fully Implement the Taiwan Travel Act

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – September 13, 2018
Contact: (202) 547-3686


In a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dated September 13, 2018, senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) urged Secretary Pompeo to “fully implement the Taiwan Travel Act to allow regular and high-level exchanges between U.S. and Taiwanese officials.”

The Congressman wrote: “President Tsai Ing-wen’s recent visit to the U.S. represents a welcome development in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. Building on this, I urge you to fully implement the Taiwan Travel Act to allow regular and high-level exchanges between U.S. and Taiwanese officials and work diligently to ensure Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations and other international organizations.”

He added: “[T]he State Department should reaffirm the U.S.’s unwavering commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances, which are foundational to our relations with the Taiwanese people.”

Rep. Smith continued: “China has launched a multi-domain campaign against Taiwan that includes many aggressive and provocative actions, such as the dispatching of warships, bombers, and fighter jets, to encircle the island as well as conducting live-fire military exercises near Taiwan’s waters. Furthermore, in the diplomatic space, China has worked assiduously to cut off Taiwan’s diplomatic partners and block Taiwan from participating in international organizations. Taiwan has a comparative advantage in areas such as global health, and it is a travesty that for no other reason than to assuage China, Taiwan is prohibited by the international community from participating in critical forums such as the World Health Assembly.”

He concluded: “China’s provocations are brazen and the U.S. must publicly protest China’s continued alteration of the status quo in the South China Sea and its multi-pronged effort to threaten and isolate Taiwan.”

FAPA President Mike Kuo states: “Although Taiwanese Americans are grateful and excited about recent implementations of the Taiwan Travel Act, the goalposts should be moved even further. Congressman Smith signaling to fully implement the Taiwan Travel Act, suggesting a visit by President Tsai to Washington, D.C., will be part of that process.”

Mike Kuo concludes: “Recently, several U.S. top officials have expressed their dismay about China altering the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. A clear statement from Secretary of State Pompeo condemning such actions by China, is an idea whose time has come.”









Rep. Smith’s Letter

The Hon. Mike Pompeo September 13, 2018
U.S. Secretary of State
U.S. State Department
2201 C Street NW
Washington DC 20520

Dear Secretary Pompeo,

I am writing you to express my concern about China’s ongoing actions to diplomatically isolate and aggressively threaten Taiwan and alter the status quo in the Indo-Pacific region.

China has launched a multi-domain campaign against Taiwan that includes many aggressive and provocative actions, such as the dispatching of warships, bombers, and fighter jets, to encircle the island as well as conducting live-fire military exercises near Taiwan’s waters. Furthermore, in the diplomatic space, China has worked assiduously to cut off Taiwan’s diplomatic partners and block Taiwan from participating in international organizations. Taiwan has a comparative advantage in areas such as global health, and it is a travesty that for no other reason than to assuage China, Taiwan is prohibited by the international community from participating in critical forums such as the World Health Assembly.

In December 2017, Li Kexin, a senior Chinese diplomat in Washington, D.C., promised that the Beijing government would use military force to “unify” Taiwan and Mainland China. Given China’s recent actions, the prospect of military escalation seems even more realistic.

China’s provocations are brazen and the U.S. must publicly protest China’s continued alteration of the status quo in the South China Sea and its multi-pronged effort to threaten and isolate Taiwan. Furthermore, the State Department should reaffirm the U.S.’s unwavering commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances, which are foundational to our relations with the Taiwanese people.

President Tsai Ing-wen’s recent visit to the U.S. represents a welcome development in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. Building on this, I urge you to fully implement the Taiwan Travel Act to allow regular and high-level exchanges between U.S. and Taiwanese officials and work diligently to ensure Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations and other international organizations

I applaud the Administration’s commitment to building a free and open Indo-Pacific region. Supporting Taiwan is crucial in realizing this goal, as Taiwan is a model of democracy, prosperity, rights protections, and the rule of law. The positions outlined above serve U.S. interests and will ensure a better future for the region.

As China’s threats to peace are becoming more frequent and dangerous to U.S. interests. I encourage you to continue working to maintain a peaceful and stable Indo-Pacific region.

Thank you.


Member of Congress

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