Legislation Challenging One China Principle Introduced in House

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – March 21, 2019
Contact: (202) 547-3686


On March 21, 2019, Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) introduced resolution H.Res.248 concluding that it is the sense of Congress that the United States Should Challenge the People’s Republic of China’s One China Principle Campaign by Adopting the Following Policy Statements—

(1). The United States recognizes the objective reality that the Taiwan government legitimately represents a democracy of 23.5 million people.

(2). The United States will ensure any resolution of the future of Taiwan be done peacefully and with the active assent of the people of Taiwan.

(3). The United States encourages both sides of the Taiwan Strait to carry out constructive dialogue without preconditions.

This resolution was introduced in light of the growing dominance of the One China Principle. The People’s Republic of China has not only been imposing the One China Principle as a precondition to peaceful cross-Strait exchanges, but also forcing the international community to refer to Taiwan as a “Province of China,” a position that the United States does not recognize and should have forcefully challenged.

Meanwhile, the U.S. One China Policy fails to recognize the legitimacy of Taiwan’s democracy. This includes referring to the democratically-elected government as “Taiwan Authorities.” To counter the One China Principle that actively delegitimizes the democracy of Taiwan, the U.S. should instead embrace the objective reality that the Taiwan government legitimately represents a democracy of 23.5 million people.

These questions were noted earlier in Rep. Chabot’s Washington Examiner article dated January 11th. Rep. Chabot wrote that China strongman Xi Jinping’s “fixation with reunification relies on the One China Principle, through which the Chinese Communist Party lays claim to Taiwan. This principle underpins Xi’s hyperbolic assertions that… no one and no force can change the fact that Taiwan is part of China, and the historical and legal fact that both sides of the strait belong to one China.” Rep. Chabot argued that “Xi needs to let go of this way of thinking.”

Rep. Chabot’s article concluded: “What it comes down to is that Taiwan’s future ought to be determined by its citizens — not by President Xi and his Communist cronies.”

FAPA President Mike Kuo states: “Both the U.S. “One China Policy” and China’s One China Principle have been thorns in the side of the people of Taiwan and of Taiwanese Americans. China’s One China Principle in particular is a bizarre and irrational fiction. After all, the People’s Republic of China has not had any effective control over Taiwan since the PRC was established in 1949. China’s ever-growing One China Principle campaign also poses threats to U.S. global leadership. The time is now for the U.S. Government to proactively challenge that One China Principle and rethink support for the U.S. “One China Policy.”



(1). 美國承認台灣政府正當地代表一個2350萬人民民主政體的客觀事實。
(2). 美國確保台灣的未來會在台灣人民的主動同意下和平解決。
(3). 美國鼓勵台海兩岸以不設前提的方式進行建設性對話。







Photo Credit: April Brady/Project on Middle East Democracy (Flickr)