U.S. Representatives Call For Lifting Of All Restrictions On High-Level Visits From Taiwan Including The President

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – September 15, 2016
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Representatives Call For Lifting Of All Restrictions On High-Level Visits From Taiwan Including The President

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Steve Chabot (R-OH), Brad Sherman (D-CA) and Ted Poe (R-TX)  introduced the “Taiwan Travel Act” today. The Taiwan Travel Act legislation declares “that it should be the policy of the United States to encourage visits between the United States and Taiwan at all levels.”Chabot is a long-time Taiwan supporter, and founding co-chair of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus. Poe and Sherman are long-time members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The binding resolution reads: “Whereas over the past decades, United States-Taiwan relations have suffered from a lack of communication due to the self-imposed restrictions that the United States maintains on high-level visits with Taiwan.” It concludes: “Whereas it should be the policy of the United States to encourage visits between the United States and Taiwan at all levels.”

Rep. Chabot has been a long-time advocate of the lifting of all restrictions on high-level visits from and to Taiwan. He often tells the story that he had received then Taipei mayor Chen Shui-bian in his Capitol Hill office, but when Chen became president of Taiwan, Chabot and two dozen of his colleagues had to shuttle back and forth from Washington DC to New York to have dinner with President Chen.

FAPA President Peter Chen states: “Taiwan and the United States are allies who share common values and interests.  Unrestricted visits will strengthen the friendship, communication, and mutual cooperation between the two democratic nations.”

Peter Chen adds: “The introduction of this resolution and timing of introduction are both significant. With the new administration in place in Taiwan the time is now for the U.S. to enable Taiwan’s president (among others) to come to Washington DC – without restrictions.”

Peter Chen continues: “Why do we let the unelected leaders of China come to DC and give them the red carpet treatment at the White House with a 21 gun salute, while we shun the democratically elected leaders of long-time ally Taiwan? This is American soil. So it should be the prerogative of the United States ONLY to decide who can visit Washington DC, not the prerogative of the communist leaders in Beijing.”

Peter Chen concludes: “These perfunctory restrictions date from the Cold War days of the seventies. The Cold War is over. And since these restrictions were self-imposed, they can also be self-lifted!”


在九月15日,夏波(Rep. Steve Chabot) 以及多位眾院重量級議員(包括 Congressmen Brad Sherman and Ted Poe) 共同提出了「台灣旅行法」決議案,該法案聲明「美國政策應當促進美國與台灣之間所有層級互訪」。夏波議員是一位長期以來鼎力支持台灣的議員,同時也是美國「國會台灣連線」的共同發起人之一。

這項重要的決議案提到: 「過去幾十年來,因為美國自身法令中對於台灣高層訪美的限制,台灣與美國始終缺乏有效的溝通,顯著地阻礙了台美關係的發展。」因此,作為結論,「美國政策理應當促進美國與台灣之間所有層級的互訪。」




「當中國的獨裁領袖們來到華府,走過白宮的紅毯、享受著21槍禮炮禮遇的時候,背負著台灣—美國長久以來的堅定盟友—兩千三百萬人期待的民選領袖,卻被拒絕在門外。 這裡是美國領土,能夠決定誰可以踏上這塊土地、參訪其首都的,應該只有美國自身;在北京的共產領導們,不應該有置喙的權利。」


Taiwan Travel Act (H.R.6047)

Photo Credit: minsharaclass (Flickr)