Confucius Institute

  • Post category:Truthsquad

Confucius Institute

In May 2017, the New York City based National Association of Scholars stated: “We recommend that all universities close their Confucius Institutes.”

Confucius Institutes are teaching and research centers located at colleges and universities, underwritten by the Chinese government. The Confucius Institute website says the Institutes are intended for “the promotion and dissemination of Chinese language and culture.”

However, critics have accused them of being the propaganda arm of the ruling Communist Party of China.

Since 2005, more than 100 Confucius Institutes have opened in the United States. These Institutes are largely staffed and funded by an agency of the Chinese government’s Ministry of Education—the Hanban. The Hanban also operates similarly organized Confucius Classrooms at 501 primary and secondary schools in the United States. These 600+ educational outposts comprise some 40% of China’s 1,579 Confucius Institutes and Classrooms worldwide.

The Institutes are designed to project a favorable image of China’s ruling Communist Party around the world through language and cultural programs, but restrict discussions of topics unpalatable to China’s ruling Communist Party such as the occupation of Tibet, Taiwan independence, Falun Gong, the Uyghur minority in East Turkestan, the Tiananmen Square massacre, the enormous wealth of China’s top leaders etc…

Therefore, in June 2014, the American Association of University Professors (a 47,000-member association that was founded in 1915 to guard academic freedom) called upon nearly 100 universities to “cease their involvement” with the Confucius Institutes unless major reforms are instituted.

Earlier, in 2010, Canadian intelligence stated said that Confucius Institutes are managed by China’s embassies and organize protests against Taiwan, Falun Gong and other supposed “poisons.” China’s Politburo propaganda czar Li Changchun himself boasted in 2009 that Confucius Institutes “are an important part of China’s overseas propaganda setup.”

Some schools have already closed their Confucius Institutes. The University of Chicago closed its Confucius Institutes in 2014 and Ontario’s McMaster University closed its Confucius Institute in 2013.

Because any third-party control of academic matters is inconsistent with principles of academic freedom, FAPA believes that the US Secretary of Education should direct her department to launch an official investigation into the goings on at the Confucius Institutes in the United States and into their relationships with other colleges and universities.”





自2005年以來,超過一百間孔子學院在美國開張。這些學院的人員與經費大都來自中國政府的教育部門—漢辦。漢辦也在美國五百多間中、小學中設立了類似的孔子教室;在全世界1,579 間孔子學院中,美國的這六百多個「教育前哨站」所占的比重高達 40%。




