Congressman Robert Andrews Urges Colleagues To Support Medical Parole For Chen Resolution

For Immediate Release
Washington DC –September 20, 2013
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Congressman Robert Andrews Urges Colleagues To Support Medical Parole For Chen Resolution

On September 20, 2013 Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) sent a so-called “Dear Colleague” letter to all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives urging them to co-sponsor HCR46 that concludes that: “Congress urges the Government of Taiwan to grant former President Chen Shui-bian medical parole to ensure that he receives the highest level of medical attention, effective immediately.”

HCR46 was introduced by Rep. Andrews on July 30, 2013,

The “Dear Colleague” letter titled: “Granting Former President Chen of Taiwan Medical Parole” reads: “Mr. Chen has languished in jail since December 2008 on corruption charges that Taiwan observers claim are politically motivated. Because of Mr. Chen’s present poor physical and mental health, it is time that the former President is granted medical parole on humanitarian grounds so he can receive the treatment he needs.”

It quotes from the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act: “The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people of Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.”

It continues: “The fact that a former head of state is treated in such a deplorable manner is clearly in violation of the values of democracy and human rights that we as a nation hold high. Congress cannot be silent when we believe these standards are not being met.”

It concludes: “Mr. Chen should be allowed to pick a care provider of his own choice and the process of granting medical parole needs to start right away. In Taiwan, the judicial system allows for medical parole and it is time for the government to allow Mr. Chen this right.”

FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: “The treatment of former President Chen is a clear violation of human rights. Any prisoner in a democracy should be allowed full access to adequate medical resources in order to treat physical conditions; let alone a former head of state.”

Dr. Kao continues: “Taiwanese Americans are disturbed about the way the Ma government treats Chen. It is a disgrace that a former president is deprived of his basic human rights. We therefore urge the Ma government to also recognize the damage Chen’s treatment continues to cause towards Taiwan’s international image and grant President Chen full medical parole immediately.”

Dr. Kao concludes: “Earlier his week, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays are “spent with families and friends treasuring our many blessings.” We hope that on this auspicious day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mr. Chen would have a chance to come a step closer to spending time with HIS family and friends as well.”




此封標題為「應允台灣陳前總統的保外就醫」的「致親愛同仁函」 提到:「陳先生自二零零八年十二月以來,便因為許多台灣觀察家聲稱是出於政治動機的貪污罪而在獄中日益憔悴。而考量到陳先生目前極為衰弱的身心健康,應於此時就人道立場,准許陳前總統的保外就醫,以接受必需的醫療照護。」






高博士總結道:「本周稍早,美國國務卿凱瑞提到中秋節 「是一段與家人和朋友共同珍惜的歡樂時光」,我們也誠摯地希望陳前總統能早日保外就醫,並與家人團聚」

Rep. Andrews’ Letter

Co-Sponsor H.Con.Res. 46: Granting Former President Chen of Taiwan Medical Parole
From: The Honorable Robert E. Andrews
Bill: H.Con.Res. 46
Date: 9/19/2013

Co-Sponsor H.Con.Res. 46:
Granting Former President Chen of Taiwan Medical Parole

September 19, 2013

Dear Colleague:

On July 30, 2013, I introduced House Concurrent Resolution 46, which concluded: “It is the sense of Congress that the government of Taiwan should grant former President Chen medical parole to ensure that he receives the highest level of medical attention, effective immediately.”

Mr. Chen has languished in jail since December 2008 on corruption charges that Taiwan observers claim are politically motivated. Because of Mr. Chen’s present poor physical and mental health, it is time that the former President is granted medical parole on humanitarian grounds so he can receive the treatment he needs.

The cornerstone of US-Taiwan Relations, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (The “”Law of the Land””), reads: “”The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of all the people of Taiwan are hereby reaffirmed as objectives of the United States.””  The fact that a former head of state is treated in such a deplorable manner is clearly in violation of the values of democracy and human rights that we as a nation hold high. Congress cannot be silent when we believe these standards are not being met.

Mr. Chen should be allowed to pick a care provider of his own choice and the process of granting medical parole needs to start right away. In Taiwan, the judicial system allows for medical parole and it is time for the government to allow Mr. Chen this right.

I hope that you will join me in this important resolution in support of human rights. To co-sponsor H.Con.Res 46, please e-mail Ben Culver of my staff at [email protected].




Photo Credit: 王錦河 River Wang (Flickr)