Overseas Taiwanese Organizations Express Concern About Backsliding Of Democracy In Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – November 8, 2013
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Overseas Taiwanese Organizations Express Concern About Backsliding Of Democracy In Taiwan

Today, a coalition of overseas Taiwanese organizations issued a joint statement, expressing concern about the erosion of democracy and freedoms in Taiwan due to the pro-China policies of the current Kuomintang administration of President Ma Ying-jeou in Taiwan.

The statement is endorsed by 49 overseas Taiwanese organizations in the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America and Japan.  The organizations emphasize that their roots are in Taiwan, “the land of our birth”, and that they feel strongly about Taiwan, as many of them “…worked hard to help Taiwan make the transition to democracy in the 1980s and 1990s. “

The organizations state that the pro-China policies the current administration of President Ma Ying-jeou “…may on the surface appear to bring about a reduction of tension, but in reality they are setting Taiwan up for a larger conflict when China’s repressive designs for ‘unification’ collide with the reality of Taiwan’s democracy.”

The organizations also state that they “…are particularly incensed about recent moves by the Ma government that show a distinct lack of  respect for democracy, and a fundamental breach of the basic principles of separation of powers and checks and balances in a democracy.”

The organizations state that the recent actions of President Ma and his administration in attempting to remove Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng clearly violate the basic principles enshrined in the current (ROC) Constitution in Taiwan.

The organizations add that the extensive abuse of power and the rampant wiretapping by the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office also constitute a violation of the Constitution, in particular Article 12, which guarantees the individual’s freedom of privacy of correspondence.

The organizations urge President Ma to listen to the Taiwanese people, “and to move towards policies and decisions that reflect the views of ordinary people, the men and women in the street.”

They conclude with three specific recommendations:

  1. An end to the extraordinary powers vested in the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.  The Legislative Yuan should immediately pass legislation abolishing the SID,
  2. Taiwan needs judicial reform, completely removing political influence from the judiciary.  The judicial branch needs to be completely independent from both the executive and legislative branch of government, so Taiwan can enjoy clear separation of powers, and
  3. Taiwan needs legislative reform so that legislators can truly represent their constituencies, and the legislature becomes an effective and efficient part of the system of governance.  The legislative process needs to become a true give-and-take of political negotiations; all political opinions are shown respect and decisions are made on the basis of rational discussion.









  1. 終止最高法院檢察署特偵組所用有的非常權力,立法院應立即立法廢除特偵組。
  2. 台灣需要進行司法改革,以杜絕政治對司法的影響。司法機關須獨立於行政與立法機關之外,唯有如此台灣才能真正享有三權分立。
  3. 台灣的立法部門需要進行改革,以真切的反映民意,並成為效率及效用兼具之政府的一環。立法程序必須是一套真正能彼此互惠的政治體制。

Overseas Taiwanese organizations concerned about backsliding of democracy in Taiwan

The undersigned overseas Taiwanese organizations hereby express our deep concern about recent developments in Taiwan.  First, we wish to emphasize our roots in Taiwan, the land of our birth.  We do live in Canada, Europe, Japan, Latin America and the United States, but we feel strongly about our homeland.  Many of us worked hard to help Taiwan make the transition to democracy in the 1980s and 1990s.

Especially since Taiwan made such major progress towards a fully democratic system during the past 25 years, it is regrettable that the current administration of President Ma Ying-jeou has eroded Taiwan’s democracy and freedoms with his pro-China policies. On the surface these policies may appear to bring about a reduction of tension, but in reality they are setting Taiwan up for a larger conflict when China’s repressive designs for “unification” collide with the reality of Taiwan’s democracy.

While this backsliding of freedom, democracy and human rights has been going on since the beginning of the Ma administration, we are particularly incensed about recent moves by the Ma government that show a distinct lack of  respect for democracy, and a fundamental breach of the basic principles of separation of powers and checks and balances in a democracy.

These basic principles are enshrined in the current (ROC) Constitution in Taiwan.  While we strongly believe that the Constitution needs to be amended to reflect the new reality that Taiwan is now a free, democratic and independent country, it is essential that the government abides by the Constitution that is presently in force.  The actions of President Ma and his administration in attempting to remove Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng clearly violated those principles.

In addition, the extensive abuse of power and the rampant wiretapping by the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office also constitute a violation of the Constitution, in particular Article 12, which guarantees the individual’s freedom of privacy of correspondence.

It is time for the Ma government to listen to the Taiwanese people, and to move towards policies and decisions that reflect the views of ordinary people, the men and women in the street. In particular this means:

  1. An end to the extraordinary powers vested in the Special Investigation Division of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.  The Legislative Yuan  should immediately pass legislation abolishing the SID,
  2. Taiwan needs judicial reform, completely removing political influence from the judiciary.  The judicial branch needs to be completely independent from both the executive and legislative branch of government, so Taiwan can enjoy clear separation of powers, and
  3. Taiwan needs legislative reform so that legislators can truly represent their constituencies, and the legislature becomes an effective and efficient part of the system of governance.  The legislative process needs to become a true give-and-take of political negotiations; all political opinions are shown respect and decisions are made on the basis of rational discussion.

As overseas Taiwanese we also fully endorse the joint statement issued by the 29 international scholars and writers, who expressed their concerns in a statement titled “Human rights, democracy threatened”, published in the Taipei Times on October 14th, 2013 and in Hanji in the Liberty Times on October 16th, 2014.


United States

  • Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA)
  • Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation (CWCMF)
  • Formosan Association for Human Rights (FAHR)
  • Friends of Taiwan – Los Angeles, California
  • Institute for Taiwanese Studies (ITS) – Cerritos, California
  • North American Taiwanese Engineering and Science Association (NATEA)
  • North American Taiwanese Professors’ Association
  • North American Taiwanese Women’s Association
  • Southern California Taiwanese Club – Los Angeles, California
  • Taiwanese American Center of Northern California
  • Taiwanese Association of America (TAA)
  • Taiwanese Association of America, Chicago Chapter
  • Taiwanese Association of America, Cincinnati Chapter
  • Taiwanese Association of America, Columbus Chapter
  • Taiwanese Association of America, Greater Baltimore Chapter
  • Taiwanese Association of America, Greater Washington Chapter
  • Taiwanese Association of America, Northern New Jersey Chapter
  • Taiwanese Alliance of Interculture (TAI) – San Jose, California
  • Taiwanese Americans Perspectives (TAP) – Los Angeles, California
  • Taiwan Christian Church Council in North America (TCCCNA)
  • Taiwan Center – New York
  • Taiwan Culture Center – Greater Washington
  • Taiwan Hakka Association For Public Affairs In North America
  • World United Formosans for Independence United States
  • World Taiwanese Congress


  • Formosan Association for Public Affairs Canada
  • Greater Vancouver Taiwanese Senior Association
  • Society  of Taiwanese Canadian History in British Columbia
  • Taiwanese Canadian Association
  • Taiwanese Canadian Association – Greater Vancouver Chapter
  • Taiwanese Canadian Association –Toronto Chapter
  • Taiwanese Canadian Church Association of Toronto
  • Taiwanese Canadian Heritage Association
  • Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada (THRAC)
  • Taiwanese Senior Association of Toronto
  • Taiwanese Women’s Association of Toronto
  • World Federation of Taiwanese Associations (WFTA)
  • World United Formosans for Independence Canada

Latin America

  • Taiwanese Association of Ecuador


  • European Federation of Taiwanese Associations — London, United Kingdom
  • European Federation of Taiwanese Women Associations, Hamburg, Germany
  • Formosan Association for Public Affairs United Kingdom
  • Taiwanese Association in the United Kingdom
  • Taiwanese Student Association in the United Kingdom
  • World United Formosans for Independence Europe


  • Japan Taiwanese Medical Union
  • Taiwanese Association in Japan
  • Taiwanese Women’s Association in Japan
  • World United Formosans for Independence Japan








  1. 終止最高法院檢察署特偵組所用有的非常權力,立法院應立即通過並廢除特偵組。
  2. 台灣需要進行司法改革,以杜絕政治對司法的影響。司法機關須獨立於行政與立法機關之外,唯有如此台灣才能真正享有權力的分立。
  3. 台灣的立法部門需要進行改革,以真切的反映民意,並成為效率及效用兼具之行政系統的一環。立法程序必須是一套真正能彼此互惠的政治磋商機制,尊重所有政見,並以理性討論的結果做為依歸。




  • 台灣人公共事務會
  • 陳文成教授基金會
  • 全美台灣人權協會
  • 台灣之友會
  • 全美台灣研究院
  • 北美台灣工程師協會
  • 北美洲台灣人教授協會
  • 北美洲台灣婦女協會
  • 南加卅台灣會舘
  • 北加州台灣會館
  • 全美台灣同鄉會
  • 芝加哥台灣同鄉會
  • 辛辛那提台灣同鄉會
  • 哥倫布台灣同鄉會
  • 巴爾地摩台灣同鄉會
  • 大華府台灣同鄉會
  • 北澤西台灣同鄉會
  • 台灣協志會
  • Taiwanese Americans Perspectives
  • 北美台灣人教會協會
  • 紐約台灣會館
  • 華府台灣文化中心
  • 北美臺灣客家公共事務協會
  • 台灣獨立建國聯盟美國本部
  • 世界台灣人大會


  • 加拿大台灣人公共事務會
  • 松齢會
  • BC台裔歷史協會
  • 加拿大台灣同鄉會
  • 加拿大台灣同鄉會─大溫哥華
  • 加拿大台灣同鄉會─多倫多
  • 多倫多台灣基督教教會協會
  • 台裔協會
  • 加拿大台灣人權協會
  • 多倫多台灣青籐會
  • 多倫多台灣婦女會
  • 世界台灣同鄉會聯合會
  • 台灣獨立建國聯盟加拿大本部


  • 歐洲台灣協會
  • 歐洲台灣婦女會
  • 台灣人公共事務會─英國
  • 英國台灣協會
  • 英國台灣同學會
  • 台灣獨立建國聯盟─歐洲本部


  • 日本台湾医師連合
  • 台湾同郷会
  • 在日台湾婦女会
  • 台灣獨立建國聯盟日本本部


  • 厄瓜多爾台灣同鄉會

Photo Credit: 林高志 (Wikipedia Commons