FAPA Applaud U.S. Arms Sale

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – February 1, 2010
Contact: (202) 547-3686

FAPA Applaud U.S. Arms Sale

The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), a Washington-based grassroots organization representing Taiwanese-Americans, today applauded President Obama’s decision to approve a package of arms sales including Patriot PAC-3 missiles and Black Hawk helicopters.

“The move represents a major step to help a free and democratic Taiwan defend itself against a repressive and authoritarian China” stated FAPA President Bob Yang.  “As citizens of the United States  we feel strongly about our country of origin, and are pleased that the Obama administration is now taking steps to help strengthen Taiwan in the face of existential threats by its neighbor China”, he said.

He added: “This decision is in full compliance with the Taiwan Relations Act passed by Congress in 1979, which stipulates US’ commitments to help defend Taiwan by providing arms and by maintaining US capacity in the region to resist any resort to force.” 

He also urged the US administration to move forward with other defensive items, such as F-16s and submarines.  “These are urgently required to redress the tilting balance in the Taiwan Strait, where China has aggressively built up its naval and air capabilities,” he said.

Professor Yang also referred to recent polls in Taiwan which show that the large majority of Taiwanese do want to maintain their freedom and democracy, and do not want to be absorbed by China, economically or politically.  He said: “This arms sale will give the people of Taiwan the confidence that they are supported by the United States and do not have to face an aggressive China by themselves.”

Referring to President Obama’s State of the Union Address statement that “America must always stand on the side of freedom and human dignity, always”

Professor Yang concluded: “The people of Taiwan have fought long and hard to achieve freedom and democracy in their country.  Preservation of Taiwan’s freedom, democracy and independence is essential for peace, security and stability in the Western Pacific, and therefore of strategic importance to us in the United States.”

Photo Credit: SSGT SUZANNE M. JENKINS, USAF (Wikimedia Commons)