FAPA Officially Granted Ownership Of ‘Taiwanese American Heritage Week’ Trademark

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 11, 2012
Contact: (202) 547-3686

FAPA Officially Granted Ownership Of ‘Taiwanese American Heritage Week’ Trademark

This Sunday – Mother’s Day – will also kick off the annual week-long celebration of Taiwanese American Heritage Week (TAHW).

The TAHW was initiated by FAPA in 1999, and for the past 13 years FAPA  chapters — in cooperation with other like-minded Taiwanese-American  organizations — have actively organized local celebrations from Oregon to Miami and from San Diego to Boston.

According to FAPA President Mark Kao: “This annual observance of TAHW offers us Taiwanese Americans an excellent opportunity to share our unique and proud heritage with the American public in general, and to express our gratitude to our adopted country.”

In 2000, then President Bill Clinton congratulated Taiwanese Americans with their annual celebration stating: “The people and culture of Taiwan have made invaluable contributions to every sector of our society… In celebrating your unique heritage, you provide our country with a needed source of strength and inspiration, helping to  forge a brighter future for us all.”

FAPA President Mark Kao states: “To make sure that the TAHW remains an annual celebration solely for Taiwanese Americans, FAPA decided last year to trademark the ‘Taiwanese American Heritage Week’ name.”

On April 13, 2012, the US Patent and Trademark Office officially granted FAPA the TAHW trademark.

FAPA President Mark Kao continues: “Taiwanese Americans having their own Heritage Week will reinforce the understanding amongst the American public that Taiwan is not a province of China, but a free, democratic and independent nation-state, separate from China.”

FAPA President Mark Kao concludes: “In the spirit of Taiwanese determination and American volunteerism, we urge all to explore the significance of both Taiwan and being Taiwanese during this important week.”

台灣人公共事務會 獲「台美人傳統週」商標權利

本週日,適逢母親節,也是一年一度台美人傳統週 (Taiwanese American Heritage Week)慶祝活動的開始。

台美人傳統週於1999年由台灣人公共事務會所發起。過去十三年以來,台灣人公 共事務會各分會與其他有志一同的台美人團體,積極地籌辦當地的慶祝活動,從奧勒岡到邁阿密,聖地牙哥至波士頓。

據台灣人公共事務會會長高龍榮表示:「這個一年一度的台美 人傳統週慶典,提供給身為台美人的我們一個絕佳的機會,與美國大眾分享我們獨特及使我們引以為傲的傳統,並對接納我們的美國表示感謝。」

柯林頓總統在2000年恭祝台美人一年一度的慶祝活動時表示:「台灣的人民及文 化對我們的社會多方地帶來了無價的貢獻⋯⋯當你們慶祝你們獨特的傳統時,你們也提供了我們國家一個亟需的力量並成為激勵人心的來源,協助我們大家一起共創美好將來。」


2012年4月13日,美國專利商標局正式核發台灣人公共事務會「台美人傳統週」 的商標。

高會長並補充:「台美人擁有自己的傳統週,將會加強美國大眾對台灣不是中國 的一省,而是一個自由、民主及獨立的國家, 與中國大不相同的認知。」
