U.S. Officials Proclaim Second Week Of May As Taiwanese-American Heritage Week

U.S. Officials Proclaim Second Week Of May As Taiwanese-American Heritage Week

Every year, the month of May is designated as Asian Pacific Heritage Month — a month of national celebration and commemoration of the innumerable contributions that Asians and Pacific Islanders have made in American life.

Since 1999, when President Clinton dedicated the week after Mother’s Day as Taiwanese American Heritage week (TAHW), Taiwanese Americans have annually joined hands to reach out to the general American public to share their heritage.

This year, from Mother’s Day May 10 until Sunday May 17, 2015 Taiwanese Americans all over the Union are celebrating  TAHW.

The celebration did not go unnoticed by elected officials from Oregon to Florida and in between where elected officials dedicated the week after Mother’s Day as TAHW.

Among these, Oregon Governor Kate Brown proclaimed (view the document) the week after Mother’s Day as TAHW stating: “WHEREAS Taiwanese Americans have made enormous contributions to the diversity and prosperity of American society, consistently contributing to the promotion of democracy and security of their homeland.” Portland Proclamation 2015 TAHW; Beaverton Proclamation 2015 TAHW

Gainesville, FL mayor Edward B. Braddy took similar action stating: “WHEREAS Taiwan is a sovereign, independent country but continues to be illegitimately claimed by the People’s Republic of China as a renegade province.” view the document

In his TAHW proclamation, San Diego Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer added: “WHEREAS 2015 marks the 36th anniversary of the enactment into law of the “Taiwan Relations Act,” the cornerstone of U.S. Taiwan relations.” San Diego Proclamation 2015 TAHW

FAPA President Mark Kao states:  “Taiwanese Americans are proud to be citizens of this country which believes in democracy and equality.  Taiwanese Americans having and celebrating their own Heritage Week reinforces the understanding amongst the American public that Taiwan is not part of China, and that we need to recognize the reality that Taiwan is a free and democratic nation-state that needs to be accepted by the international community as a full and equal member.”

Photo Credit: Chen Liang Dao 陳良道 (Flickr)