For Immediate Release
Washington, D.C. – July 26, 2024
July 26th, 2024, is the opening day of the 2024 Summer Olympics – FAPA calls on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to let Taiwan’s athletes compete under the name “Taiwan” instead of forcing Taiwanese to use the discriminatory misnomer, “Chinese Taipei.”
Since 1984, under China’s pressure, the IOC has forced Taiwan to participate in Olympic Games under the name “Chinese Taipei,” using a non-national flag and anthem.
We want Taiwan to compete proudly as Taiwan!
As Reps. Tom Tiffany (R-WI), Andy Ogles (R-TN), and Chris Smith (R-NJ) noted in their open letter to the IOC in May 2024, even Puerto Rico and Bermuda are not forced to compete as “American San Juan” or “British Hamilton,” though both are overseas territories. It is even more ridiculous to make Taiwan participate under the name “Chinese Taipei,” for Taiwan has never been part of China, nor been controlled by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The IOC must no longer succumb to China’s pressure and bullying against Taiwan. The international community should support democracy and freedom by opposing China’s attempts to undermine Taiwan’s sovereignty and independent statehood through the imposition of the name “Chinese Taipei.”
On June 18, 2024, Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-MI) introduced a resolution calling for the IOC to allow Taiwan to participate in the Summer Olympics under the national name, flag, and anthem of its own choosing. The resolution is co-sponsored by 9 representatives including longtime Taiwan champions Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) and Rep. Michelle Steel (R-CA).
FAPA provided comments during the drafting of this resolution and successfully urged Rep. Huizenga’s office to drop the phrase “Republic of China” and change the wording to allow Taiwan to compete under its chosen national name.
The Congressional resolution introduced expresses the sense of deep concern about the IOC’s discriminatory requirement for Taiwan to compete as “Chinese Taipei,” falsely implying Taiwan is part of China (PRC), even though Taiwan has never been ruled by the PRC for a single day.
On this day, FAPA calls on the IOC to stop its discriminatory and unfair practices and allow Taiwan to proudly compete as Taiwan!
正如美國聯邦眾議員帝芬尼(Tom Tiffany, R-WI)、奧格茲(Andy Ogles, R-TN)以及史密斯(Chris Smith, R-NJ)在2024年5月致國際奧委會的聯名信中所言,即便是波多黎各(Puerto Rico)及百慕達群島(Bermuda)這兩個海外屬地,都能選擇以自身名義參賽,並未被迫稱為「美屬聖胡安」(American San Juan)或「英屬漢密爾頓」(British Hamilton)。相較之下,台灣從未成為中國的一部份,亦未曾受中華人民共和國統治,竟被迫矮化以「中華台北」之名參賽,簡直荒謬至極 。
2024年6月18日,聯邦眾議員惠曾佳(Bill Huizenga, R-MI)於美國眾議院提出一項決議案,呼籲國際奧委會允許台灣以自己選擇的國名、旗幟與國歌,參加本次夏季奧運會。該決議案已獲9位美國眾議員連署,包括長期支持台灣的聯邦眾議員蒂凡尼 (Tom Tiffany, R-WI)、以及朴銀珠(Michelle Steel, R-CA)。