Members of Congress Tweeted FAPA’s “Shield from Taiwan” Campaign, Showing Strong People-to-People Ties between U.S. and Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – August 5, 2020
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Members of Congress Tweeted FAPA’s “Shield from Taiwan” Campaign, Showing Strong People-to-People Ties between U.S. and Taiwan

FAPA’s crowdfunding campaign for medical face shields donation which started in mid-May is nearing its end. With the support from more than 300 Taiwanese individuals and organizations, FAPA raised more than $21,000 dollars and purchased a total of 9,300 pieces of face shields from Alpha ProTech. 

Despite the limited amount of donations compared to those by the Taiwan Government, the grassroots characteristics of this “Shield from Taiwan” event captured the attention of U.S. Members of Congress, including Rep. Ted Yoho, Sen. Joni Ernst, and Sen. Tom Cotton. They expressed their appreciation to the people of Taiwan through social media, showing that the people-to-people ties can play an important role in bilateral partnership.  

Rep. Ted Yoho is the introducer of the Taiwan Fellowship Act and the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act. As for Sen. Joni Ernst, a member of Senate Taiwan Caucus who had visited Taiwan many times, commented last year that American Government cannot allow China to invade Taiwan forcefully. Finally, Sen. Tom Cotton is not only the introducer of the 2019 Taiwan Assurance Act and the 2017 Taiwan Security Act, he had also joined his colleagues to invite President Tsai to deliver a speech in U.S. Congress last year. 

FAPA President Minze Chien emphasizes: “We want to help our American friends combat this deadly virus through this crowdfunding event, while showing how grassroots activism can play a crucial role in US-Taiwan friendship. As a grassroots Taiwanese-American organization, FAPA will continue to bring the peoples of two countries together in the future.” 

The 9,300 pieces of face shields are donated to the following places: 

  • Florida: Jackson Memorial Hospital (2,000 pieces) 
  • Arkansas: Arkansas State Government (1,600 pieces) 
  • Delaware: “Donate Delaware” (1,600 pieces) 
  • Iowa: Pottawattamie County Gov. (1,400 pieces) & Nishna Productions (200 pieces) 
  • Maryland: Maryland State Government (1,000 pieces) & JHU Hospital (500 pieces) 
  • Ohio: TBD (1,000 pieces) 


FAPA於五月中發起的醫療面罩群募活動,將於近期畫下句點。在超過三百多個個人及團體的支持下,FAPA一共募得超過美金 $21,000的捐款,並全數用於採購上市公司Alpha ProTech的醫療防護面罩共9,300面。 

即便數量不比台灣政府的口罩捐贈,這次群募活動的草根特性卻受美國國會議員關注。包括眾議員約霍 (Ted Yoho)、參議員恩斯特 (Joni Ernst)以及參議員柯頓 (Tom Cotton) 等重量級友台議員,皆透過社群媒體表達謝意。他們這次以台灣人民為感謝對象,凸顯了台美民間關係在兩國邦誼中的重要角色。 




  • 佛羅里達州:傑克森紀念醫院 (2,000面) 
  • 阿肯色州:阿肯色州州政府 (1,600面) 
  • 德拉瓦州:「捐贈德拉瓦」非營利組織 (1,600面) 
  • 愛荷華州:波特瓦特米郡政府 (1,400面)及妮什娜身障服務公司 (200面) 
  • 馬里蘭州:馬里蘭州州政府 (1,000面)及約翰霍普金斯醫院 (500面) 
  • 俄亥俄州 (1,000面):未定