On Taiwan’s Father’s Day, FAPA Urges Pope to Work Towards Dual Recognition of China and Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – August 8, 2016
Contact: (202) 547-3686

On Taiwan’s Father’s Day, FAPA Urges Pope To Work Towards Dual Recognition Of China And Taiwan

In a letter to Holy Father Pope Francis dated August 8, the president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Peter Chen, calls upon the Pope, while exploring diplomatic relations with China, not to abandon diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but instead move towards “Dual Recognition” of Beijing and Taipei.

The letter reads: “For the past decades, China’s Communist Government has forced nations around the world to choose between maintaining diplomatic relations with either Taipei or Beijing. […] I ask that you pledge, while you consider establishing diplomatic ties with China, that your initiative will be based on the principle of not hurting diplomatic relations with Taiwan.”

The letter continues: “I would like to propose that you consider moving towards “Dual Recognition” of both governments in Beijing and Taipei Such dual diplomatic recognition would entail not abandoning the 23 million people of Taiwan and the believers in Taiwan of the Catholic faith, and would be a way to foster and encourage peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between Taiwan and China. It would also set a precedent for other countries to emulate.” To paraphrase Luke 15:4: “A good shepherd never loses even one sheep…”

FAPA President Peter Chen says: “The Pope has Catholic followers and supporters in both Taiwan and China. The Vatican can and must play a unique role in the Dual Recognition of Taiwan and China process. Dual Recognition is an idea that is long overdue.”

Mr. Chen continues: “Pope Francis played a critical initiating role in putting the establishment of U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations on the rails. It makes very much sense that he takes the lead in recognizing that Taiwan and China are two countries on either side of the Taiwan Strait that the international community want to see develop into friendly neighbors.”

Letter to Pope

His Holiness, Pope Francis August 8, 2016
Apostolic Palace
The Vatican
00120 Vatican City
Holy Father,

While the people of Taiwan are celebrating Father’s Day, I am writing to you today, as the President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, (FAPA) a U.S. based grassroots organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan, about an issue of concern to me and my members.

On August 5, Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it “was closely observing developments indicating the Vatican might be moving closer to establishing diplomatic relations with China.” Additionally, according to the Hong Kong media, Hong Kong Cardinal John Tong Hon said that “the Vatican and China might have reached a preliminary agreement on the appointment of bishops” in China.

As you are well aware, for the past decades, China’s Communist Government has forced nations around the world to choose between maintaining diplomatic relations with either Taipei or Beijing. And even though I fully understand the importance of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the government in Beijing, I respectfully ask that you pledge, while you consider establishing diplomatic ties with China, that your initiative will be based on the principle of not hurting diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Specifically, I would like to propose that you consider moving towards “Dual Recognition” of both governments in Beijing and Taipei. Such dual diplomatic recognition would entail not abandoning the 23 million people of Taiwan and the believers in Taiwan of the Catholic faith, and would be a way to foster and encourage peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between Taiwan and China. It would also set a precedent for other countries to emulate. To paraphrase Luke 15:4: “A good shepherd never loses even one sheep…”

Your holiness, the Vatican leadership, and Catholicism have impacted the world in positive ways. We respectfully urge you to use your vision and leadership to break the stalemate and rhetoric of the Cold War and recognize both Taiwan and China. This would genuinely enhance peace and security and promote the value of respect of human dignity, life, and rights.

Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.

With every good wish to Your Holiness, I am,

Peter Chen, President,
Formosan Association for Public Affairs

在台灣父親節 台灣人公共事務會致函給天主教大家長方濟各教宗 呼籲對台灣及中國給予「雙重承認」


在信中寫道:「在過去幾十年來,中國的共產政府強行逼迫世界各國選擇要跟台北還是北京保持外交關係。 […] 我期許你能保證,你在以不傷害與台灣的外交關係下,考慮與中國建交。」

信中繼續提到: 「我希望你在未來能考慮朝與北京與台北兩個政府的『雙重承認』政策。這樣既不會放棄台灣二千三百萬人或在台灣的天主教信徒;同時也能助長及鼓勵台灣和中國的和平公存及相互尊重。這也能設下先例讓別的國家效仿。」聖經路加福音15章4節說道:「你們中間有那個人有一百隻羊,遺失了其中的一隻,而不把這九十九隻丟在荒野,去尋覓那遺失的一隻,直到找著呢?」

台灣人公共事務會會長陳正義說到: 「教宗在台灣及中國都有天主教徒及支持者。教廷可以也必須在台灣與中國的「雙重承認」的過程中,扮演一個獨特的角色。『雙重承認』是一個早已該實施的政策。」

陳正義繼續提到: 「方濟各教宗在美國與古巴恢復外交關係的軌道上,扮演了開啟者的角色。教宗在承認台灣海峽兩邊的台灣與中國都是國家也很合理,符合國際社會希望兩個國家成為友善的鄰國的期待。」




在八月五號,台灣的外交部提到「他們對教廷可能與中國建立正式邦交的發展的可能性,有持續的觀察。」另外,根據一個香港的媒體,香港的樞機主教 湯漢 在中國說到: 「教廷和中國有可能達到初期的共識。」





陳正義  會長

Photo Credit: Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk (Flickr)