Q&A Open House with Rep. Tiffany

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Question Sheet: Open House with Rep. Tiffany

Questions to Rep. Tiffany

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Example_Question(Example_Name)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • For years we’ve experienced the most critical obstacle which is the VITO power of the five countries in the main Central committee. China is one of the members. Do you have ways or strategies to remove it?(Beverly Lii Mei Tsai)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Is a defense pact between US and Taiwan, or a first island chain mutual defense pact including Taiwan, an effective deterrence of Chinese invasion of Taiwan, and maintain peace and stability of Taiwan Strait?(David C Lai)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Hi Tom, I am sure you run into some situations when strong supporters from China try to arm-wrestle on certain issues in the Congress. How do you usually handle them? Talking to them? Talking to their friends who also happen to be your friends? Talking through bipartisan platform?(Chunyen Liu)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Why so many big corporations and consumers in the we(Steve Shen)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Why so many big corporations and consumers in the Western world continue to pour huge amount of money into China, it is a financial support for CCP to expand their military power to threaten the democracy and the world peace. What can congress do to stop this?ount of money(Steve Shen)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Nowadays PRC is spreading a rumor in the States that Asian Americans are being discriminated by American white in order to disturb US society. How can US Congress help stop this rumor in order to avoid Asian Americans being trapped in this nonsense caused by PRC?(Mr. John Pang Yu)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Hi Rep. Tom, Appreciate your strong support to Taiwan. It means a lot to Taiwanese American. Taiwan likes to be treated as a nation. Does it matter to mention aborting one China policy? What will you command if Taiwan has deserted calling herself RO China then it’s time to be treated as a nation.(Catherine Lai)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • “Putin Today, Xi Tomorrow?” How can the US prevent such a war across the Taiwan Strait? Thanks for strong supports to Taiwan!(Chi-Lin (Mike) O’Young)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • What date is today(Jenell)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Dear Congresswoman Steel, as an immigrant from South Korea, do you have any insights into improving the relations between South Korea and Taiwan, which have been significantly undermined, unlike the relations between Taiwan and Japan?(鄭勳燦 Alan Jeong)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Dear Congresswoman Steel, as an immigrant from South Korea, do you have any insights into improving the relations between South Korea and Taiwan, which have been significantly undermined, unlike the relations between Taiwan and Japan?(Alan Jeong (鄭勳燦))

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Thank you for your support of Taiwan internationally.(Nicholas Wu)

Below are questions submitted by the participants:

  • Thank you for supporting Taiwan in the Congress! As a concerned citizen, I have two(2) questions: 1. Gun violence in America, what can you do to support legislation to reduce the gun violence, especially automatic rifles. 2. Fentanyl and other drugs crisis in America today, what can you do to help from the legislations? These two issues are causing the deaths of American daily and we need bi-partisan efforts in the Congress.(NicholasWu)