Recognizing The Minnesota Chapter Of The Formosan Association For Public Affairs And Supporting Taiwan’s Membership Into The World Health Organization

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – July 9, 2008
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Recognizing The Minnesota Chapter Of The Formosan Association For Public Affairs And Supporting Taiwan’s Membership Into The World Health Organization

— (Extensions of Remarks – July 09, 2008)

Speech Of Hon. Michele Bachmann Of Minnesota In The House Of Representatives


Mrs. BACHMANN. Madam Speaker, I rise to honor the Minnesota chapter of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, FAPA, which has done an exemplary job of keeping the voice of the Taiwanese people alive in my State of Minnesota. This organization has spoken for the people of Taiwan on many important issues including the all important matter of supporting Taiwan’s membership into the World Health Organization, WHO.

The WHO is an important international organization that works to attain the highest possible level of health for all people. Unfortunately, the 23 million citizens of Taiwan are denied access to this organization and are unable to take part in international health forums, programs and benefits conducted by the WHO.

The large volume of international travel to Taiwan heightens the transmission of communicable diseases and makes Taiwan an ideal candidate for membership in the organization. For this reason alone, Taiwan and its people should be allowed to participate in the health services and medical protections offered by the World Health Organization.

Madam Speaker, I rise to honor the Minnesota chapter of the FAPA for their continued efforts to defend Taiwan. And, I urge you to join me in supporting Taiwan’s inclusion in the World Health Organization.