Representatives Introduce Resolution Calling For Lifting Of All Restrictions On Taiwan High-Level Visits

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – July 24, 2004
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Representatives Introduce Resolution Calling For Lifting Of All Restrictions On Taiwan High-Level Visits

On July 23, co-chairs of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) introduced a resolution (HCR481) calling for the complete lifting of all restrictions on high-level visits from Taiwan. The resolution concludes: “That it is the sense of the Congress that the United States should lift all restrictions on visits by high level officials of Taiwan to the United States.”

And “it is in the national interests of the United States to communicate directly with democratically elected and appointed officials of Taiwan, including the democratically elected president of Taiwan.”

On April 21, Rep. Chabot stated in a Congressional hearing: “I had lunch in the Capitol a few weeks ago with Mr. Mark Chen, then a legislator. Today Mr. Chen is Taiwan’s new foreign minister […] and can no longer come to our Capitol on an official visit. Frankly I think that that policy is kind of silly.”

On July 15, ranking member of the House International Relations Committee, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA), echoed that sentiment when he stated: “Mr. Speaker, it was a great pleasure for me to host Taiwan’s Vice President, Annette Lu, during a recent visit to San Francisco. It is my fondest hope that Congress will have the honor of greeting both President Chen and Vice President Lu in Washington in the foreseeable future.”

Despite this, the United States continues to cling to its long-held policy prohibiting high ranking Taiwan leaders -including the president- from visiting Washington DC. Not only does this policy widen the communication gap between Taiwan and the United States, but it denies Taiwan’s democratically elected officials the respect they deserve.

FAPA president Ming-chi Wu states: “We ask that the U.S. lift all restrictions on high-level visits by officials from Taiwan, so that a balanced understanding of both sides of the Taiwan Strait will be directly available to Congress, the Administration and the American public. And on a more personal level: we Taiwanese Americans want to see our democratically elected president Chen Shui-bian be treated and greeted with the respect his office deserves. Other non-elected leaders from around the world visit the White House. It is only fair that the same honor and recognition gets bestowed upon President Chen.”


在美國國會暑期休會前夕,兩位台灣連線的共同主席夏波議員(Steve Chabot-R, OH)和布朗議員(Sherrod Brown –D-OH)聯手提出第481號決議案─要求美國完全取消台灣高層官員訪問的不合理限制。這是繼上週四眾院以壓倒性票數通過第462號決議案,指出美台雙方高層互訪不違一中政策後,此一議題再度在國會被提案,認為美國應該對鬆綁對台灣高層訪美的限制。







Photo Credit: Marc Nozell (Flickr)