Resolution Urges The PRC To Withdraw Its Missiles From Fukien Province

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – June 27, 2003
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Resolution Urges The PRC To Withdraw Its Missiles From Fukien Province

Late last night, seven Representatives led by Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and Congressman Joel Hefley (R-CO) -vice-chair of the House Armed Services Committee- introduced a resolution (H.Con.Res.232) calling upon the PRC to withdraw its missiles that are currently positioned in its coastal province of Fukien and which are targeted at Taiwanese shore, and to renounce the use of force against Taiwan. The introduction of the resolution comes on the fifty-fourth anniversary of a momentous occasion in U.S.-Taiwan relations. On June 27th, 1949, President Harry S. Truman dispatched the U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet to protect Taiwan from a possible invasion by Communist China.

The resolution concludes that

1) Congress has grave concerns about the PRC’s deployment of hundreds of ballistic missiles directed towards Taiwan, which threaten security and stability in the Taiwan Strait;

2) The President should direct all appropriate United States officials to raise these concerns with Chinese officials and should seek from the leaders of the PRC a public and immediate unequivocal renunciation of any threat or use of force against Taiwan.”

It continues:

4) If China does not dismantle the missiles that threaten Taiwan, the President should release the Aegis system to Taiwan enabling Taiwan to defend itself against the threat of a missile attack by China;

5) The United States maintains that the future of Taiwan shall be determined peacefully and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan.”

FAPA President, Ming-chi Wu, Ph.D., states: “The introduction of this resolution is another step towards addressing an issue of grave concern to all Taiwanese. It is utterly unacceptable that the people of Taiwan live their daily lives with a gun pointed to their heads.  They have a right to live in peace, without this constant military threat.”

Wu continues: “The resolution concludes that the future of Taiwan must be determined peacefully, with the express consent of the people of Taiwan. A democratic mechanism such as a plebiscite would be best. The U.S. is the main crusader for freedom and democracy around the world and can therefore ill afford to tell the people of Taiwan not to hold a referendum. There can be no double standard when it comes to exercising democracy.”


紐澤西州民主黨議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews, D-NJ),眾議院軍事委員會副主席Joel Hefley (R-CO)與Dan Burton (R-IN), , Mike Pence (R-IN), Pete Sessions (R-TX), Mark Souder (R-IN), David Wu (D-OR)等七位議員,於昨晚聯合引進一決議案 (HCR 232),要求中國政府撤除其部署在福建省沿海,以台灣為主要攻擊目標的數百枚中短程彈道飛彈;決議案並要求中國公開放棄武力犯台的政策。眾議院特地選在昨日,適逢台美關係中一重大歷史事件54週年紀念日提出。54年前,也就是1949年的6月27日,當時的美國總統杜魯門(Harry S. Truman)為防止中國赤軍的侵略,特地派遣美軍第七艦隊協防台灣,以遏止台灣淪入中國共產黨手中的可能性。





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