For Immediate Release
Washington DC – December 1, 2005
Contact: (202) 547-3686
U.S. Representative Calls For US-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement – Endorses U.S.-Taiwan TIFA Negotiations
In a letter dated November 15, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) wrote to US Trade Representative Ambassador Rob Portman stating that he endorses the United States restarting Trade Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) negotiations with Taiwan. In the same letter, Rep. Sessions also advocates for the establishment of a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement.
Rep. Sessions writes: “I was pleased to see the resumption of TIFA talks with Taiwan in November of last year after six years of inaction, and I would appreciate hearing about the prospects for resuming these talks as a precursor to a free trade agreement.”
The Congressman continues: “American exports are up 8.7 percent year to date over last year, which is a significant increase that could become much greater if a free trade agreement were enacted with Taiwan….Increased economic relations between the United States and Taiwan will provide significant economic advantages to both countries.”
FAPA President Ming-chi Wu says: “Since Taiwan continues to be economically isolated by China’s attempts to establish a free trade zone with other Asian countries without Taiwan participating in it, it is of the utmost importance that the United States maintains a robust economic and trade relationship with Taiwan, leading to a bilateral US-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement.”
Wu continues, “The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act specifically directs the U.S. Administration towards promoting “extensive commercial relations” between the people of the United States and Taiwan (Section 2(b)1). Any trade related dialogue, and especially a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement, will fulfill this U.S. commitment to Taiwan’s economic security.”
一向友好支持台灣的塞森斯眾議員(Pete Sessions, R-TX)於日前(十一月十五日)致函美國貿易代表波特曼(Rob Portman),肯定去年底重開談判的「TIFA〈貿易與投資架構協定〉會議」;塞森斯議員並在信中表達他對美台簽署自由貿易協定(FTA)的支持。