U.S. Representatives Call Upon Obama Administration To Work Towards Free Trade Agreement With Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington DC – May 7, 2010
Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Representatives Call Upon Obama Administration To Work Towards Free Trade Agreement With Taiwan

Last night, May 6, 2010, Reps. Robert Andrews (D-NJ), Scott Garrett (R-NJ) and John Culberson (R-TX) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 276 calling upon the Obama Administration to work towards a U.S. Taiwan Free Trade agreement. Reps. Andrews and Garrett recently spoke at a Capitol Hill briefing on April 28 to revive the campaign for a U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement.

The resolution states that President Obama should make the conclusion of a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement a top priority, and to instruct the USTR to expedite negotiations on a free trade agreement between the U.S. and Taiwan.

During the April 28 briefing to Congress, Rep. Andrews expressed his support for such an endeavor. He stated: “for both economic and strategic reasons, the time has arrived for a Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Taiwan.”

Congressman Andrews added: “But the strategic advantage [of a U.S.-Taiwan FTA] is even more self-evident, in my view. It is an affirmation of an important sense that the United States regards the people of Taiwan, functionally as a free, sovereign and independent people. You don’t make free trade agreements with someone else’s state or territory.  You make free trade agreements with sovereign people. That is a hugely important symbol – which leads to my second point. The so–called ‘Economic Framework’ that’s being discussed between the PRC and Taiwan, in my view, is more of a ‘Cage’ than a ‘Framework.’  I think it reflects a negotiation from the point of a disadvantage. Now I believe any duly elected government has the autonomy to negotiate any agreement it sees fit for its people, but that presupposes a negotiation that is free of coercion and is conducted in a truly bilateral, equivalent context. And that is most assuredly not the case.”

FAPA President Bob Yang, PhD says: “A U.S.-Taiwan FTA will free Taiwan from China’s economic stranglehold which is, in fact, a potent nonmilitary instrument of influence that China is forging to affect political choices in Taiwan and to achieve the annexation of Taiwan.”

Dr. Yang concludes: “If and when the U.S. exercises its leadership to ink an FTA with Taiwan, other like-minded democracies will undoubtedly follow suit.  This would permit Taiwan to broaden its trade and other international relations, thereby giving Taiwan an opportunity to escape the death embrace of China.”


美國紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews, D-NJ)以及共和黨議員蓋瑞特(Scott Garrett, R-NJ)與德州共和黨克柏森議員(John Culberson, R-TX)於昨晚(6日)提出第276號決議案,呼籲歐巴馬政府推動台美自由貿易協定。安德魯斯及蓋瑞特議員日前雙雙參與一場國會簡報,重新喚起各界對台美自由貿易協定這項議題的支持。







Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza