FAPA: Outrage at violence targeted at our Taiwanese American community for our identity, condemns hate crime and domestic terrorism of radicalized groups

For Immediate Release
Washington DC-May 16, 2022
Contact: (202) 547-3686

FORMOSAN ASSOCIATION FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Outrage at violence targeted at our Taiwanese American community for our identity, condemns hate crime and domestic terrorism of radicalized groups

May 16, 2022 FORMOSAN ASSOCIATION FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs calls upon all who value democracy and freedom of political expression to join with us in condemning the Outrageous violence targeted at the Taiwanese American community for our identity and the hate that fuels this act of domestic terrorism by radicalized persons and groups.

The worldwide Taiwanese community is outraged at the attack by the gunman who killed one person and wounded five others at a Taiwanese luncheon in a Laguna Woods church in California on Sunday May 15.

The 100 or so members of the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church, most of whom are senior citizens, were holding a banquet in the church at the time of the shooting to honor a former pastor visiting from Taiwan.

Police report that a man in his 60s entered the room where the banquet was being held and began shooting. He killed one person and wounded five others ages 66 to 92 before courageous church members disarmed and hogtied him with an electric cord.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office identified the man as David Chou of Las Vegas, and announced he was motivated by political hatred between himself and the Taiwanese community. “It is believed the suspect was upset about political tensions between China and Taiwan.”

Dr. Minze Chien, President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) calls upon all people of goodwill across the United States together with those in government and business positions to take a strong stand against this evil:

“FAPA is a Taiwanese American organization that promotes freedom, human rights and democracy for the people of Taiwan. We are shocked and horrified at this horrendous shooting. Our organization and the collective Taiwanese American community join the families of the victims in grief and we pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded survivors.”

“Clearly, the gunman acted out of hate stemming from radicalized political beliefs. He intended to kill and massacre innocent Taiwanese Americans simply based on our identity.”

“We strongly condemn this act of cowardice in the strongest terms possible. We, therefore, urge the authorities to prosecute this heinous crime as a politically motivated hate crime, and label any radicalized and violent groups he was affiliated with as domestic terrorists.”

Dr. Chien adds: “FAPA has worked for 40 years to ensure democracy and freedom of political expression is protected in Taiwan and for the Taiwanese people. We will not let one man’s act of violence destroy that.”

Dr. Chien concludes: “Differences in political views and opinions should never lead to violence – let alone murder!”


五月十五號星期日,一名持槍歹徒闖入 Laguna Woods 的台美人教會,在午餐聚會上行兇,釀成一死五傷的慘劇。



橘郡警長辦公室說明槍手為來自拉斯維加斯的 David Chou(周文偉)。他的犯罪動機是出於對台灣人社群的政治仇恨,以及對中國與台灣之間政治緊張局勢的憤怒與不滿。





