1027: Rep. Tiffany Urges U.S. Diplomatic Recognition of Taiwan; China to Adopt a Tougher Stance on Taiwan

Rep. Tiffany: The U.S. Must Uphold Taiwan as a Free and Independent Country

On October 20, Representative Tom Tiffany (R-WI) said that the U.S. must abandon its outdated “One China Policy” and uphold Taiwan as a free country that is independent of China, saying the United States can no longer allow Communist China to grow rich off of our fence-sitting.

“Taiwan is a free and independent country that has never been part of Communist China, and U.S. policy should reflect that. Yet the Biden administration remains wedded to a feckless, 1970s-era, ‘One China Policy’ that – no matter how they want to dress it up – has only made Beijing’s rulers richer, more oppressive, and more dangerous than ever,” Rep. Tiffany said, according to a statement provided to State Newswire.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If we want better results, we have to change the policy,” he added.

In 2021, Tiffany introduced H.Con.Res.21, urging the U.S. to abandon its antiquated “One China Policy” and resume normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The resolution also calls for the U.S. to support Taiwan’s full membership in the United Nations and other international organizations, and negotiate a bilateral FTA with Taiwan.

He is also a co-sponsor of the “Countering Communist China Act” (H.R.4792). This bill would serve to counter the malign disinformation and theft perpetuated by the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party. It also authorizes sanctions on developers and owners of software that makes unauthorized transmissions of user data to servers that are located in China and are accessible by the Chinese government.

Tiffany is a member of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus (CTC), which is the largest country-specific caucus in the U.S. Congress with more than 170 members and focuses exclusively on improving U.S.–Taiwan relations.

[1] State Newswire: https://statenewswire.com/stories/633645269-tiffany-biden-administration-wedded-to-a-feckless-1970s-era-one-china-policy

Taiwan Lawmakers: Xi’s Consolidation of Power Presages China’s Tougher Stance on Taiwan

The installation of loyalists to Chinese President Xi Jinping in China’s top governing body means that Beijing is likely to adopt more hardline policies on Taiwan, with deeper personal involvement from Xi himself, according to Taiwanese legislators.

Xi, 69, secured a precedent-breaking third five-year term as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on October 23, while also introducing a new 7-member Politburo Standing Committee comprised exclusively of his loyalists.

Kuo Kuo-wen, a lawmaker from Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), said the new lineup showed that “the CCP’s Central Committee has now become ‘Xi central.’”

“That is to say, over the next five years China’s policies on Taiwan will be determined by Xi alone,” Kuo said, adding that based on Xi’s speech at the CCP’s National Congress, these policies will only become “more hardline and coercive.”

Tseng Ming-chung, legislative caucus convener of Taiwan’s main opposition Kuomintang (KMT), noted that the CCP had added anti-Taiwan independence language into its party constitution, while also packing its upper echelons with Xi’s allies.

The amendment to the CCP Constitution, which was passed on October 22, commits the party to “resolutely opposing and deterring” Taiwan independence and “resolutely implementing the policy of One Country, Two Systems.”

Taken together, these moves show that the CCP’s Taiwan policy will be personally guided by Xi, Tseng said.

Meanwhile, Legislator Jang Chyi-lu of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) said the CCP had used its party congress to make its “red lines” even clearer, thus reducing the possibility of using ambiguity as a means to reduce cross-strait tensions.

Chiu Hsien-chih, legislative caucus whip of the New Power Party (NPP), said that while the specific consequences of Xi’s increased control over the Communist Party are still unclear, “Taiwan cannot let its guard down.”

For this reason, “the NPP has supported increasing the budget of the Ministry of National Defense, and immediately reviewing issues related to military training and the length of conscription,” Chiu said.

[1] Focus Taiwan: https://focustaiwan.tw/cross-strait/202210240007